I cannot even imagine going into labour.....

I really want my waters to break somewhere like asda haha! Maybe in a few weeks I'll hover round asda, there's also a B and Q across the road! :lol:

I live on my own so I may well go into labour when I'm on my own. My mum has said I could go and stay there a few days near my due date but I haven't decided what to do yet

x x x x

Yeah I think I could well start on my own too....am getting hubby to book some holiday around time of birth so he can be with me but you can bet baby decides to come the day he goes back to London or something!! Have never thought about waters breaking in public - I'd be soooooo embarrassed....but free shopping would be nice!! xxx
I like the idea of free shopping! Think I may be going a walk around asda every night from 38 weeks :lol: x
I have visions of not knowing that i'm in labour until it's a tad late and my DH having to deliver the baby in the car on the motorway lol!
If your waters break at Asda you get free shopping for a year!!!

For a YEAR :shock::shock:! Awesome and well worth it!

Pinky if you just live over the road from a B&Q you should hop it over there as soon as you feel anything hehe!
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Nah the Asda and b and q are across from each other but quite a bit from my house. Was just speaking to my auntie who's a paramedic and she was saying she helped deliver a baby in the back of the ambulance the other day! I really don't want that to happen lol.

I really want my waters to break somewhere like asda haha! Maybe in a few weeks I'll hover round asda, there's also a B and Q across the road! :lol:

I live on my own so I may well go into labour when I'm on my own. My mum has said I could go and stay there a few days near my due date but I haven't decided what to do yet

x x x x

I went in labor on my own with my son, I rang my mum n got her to come hehehe x x x
Well if anyone goes into labour at home on their own..... the rest of us girls are only a few clicks away!! x
I'm now more concerned because my birthing partner is now physically and mentally unwell. Not sure if she'll realisticly manage to be my birthing partner. I suppose mum could be my back up plan but we've discussed how we'd probably get very annoyed with each other. Would be pretty crap not to have someone to share the birth with. Was already let down by the original birthing partner!

I'm now more concerned because my birthing partner is now physically and mentally unwell. Not sure if she'll realisticly manage to be my birthing partner. I suppose mum could be my back up plan but we've discussed how we'd probably get very annoyed with each other. Would be pretty crap not to have someone to share the birth with. Was already let down by the original birthing partner!

Aww hun. What ya gonna do then? Y don't u try setting some ground rules with your Mum before hand? Might help a little as it will all come out wrong if she pisses you off during labour!!! Xx
I'm now more concerned because my birthing partner is now physically and mentally unwell. Not sure if she'll realisticly manage to be my birthing partner. I suppose mum could be my back up plan but we've discussed how we'd probably get very annoyed with each other. Would be pretty crap not to have someone to share the birth with. Was already let down by the original birthing partner!

Awww that's stress you don't need right now! I think you do need a back up if you're friend is that ill. Are there any other friends you could have as back up? I have 3 now, although the last one is pretty unreliable so only a last resort! I would never want my mum at the birth....as much as I love her, she'd stress me out and wind me up!! xxx
Thanks lex and amanda. Ground rules with mum sound like a good idea. I do have 1 other friend who I know would love to do it. The only thing is she has 2 kids as well although her fiance would be at home with the kids. I think she's coming over tomorrow so I might speak to her about it.
Im really hoping things get better for my friend so she can be there. But if I went into labour early as in this week anyway (not gonna happen) she won't be able to do it. I haven't said to her that I'm worried about it because I don't want to upset her. Midwife is giving me a tour round the mw unit and labour ward next Sunday. Hoping she'll be able to come with me but the way things are going it looks unlikely.

Well at least you have a good few more weeks left so hopefully your friend will get better. My first birth partner has 2 kids and one is only 13 months, so I do worry that she won't be able to make it which is why I now have another 2 on the list. I'm going to take her out to lunch and have a proper chat about it soon I think. Although now hubby has promised me he will be there!! But we will see!! He's admitted he's scared of the sight of blood and says he'd rather wait outside, lol xx
Awww bless him. Just tell him to stay up near your head lol.
Yeah I'm kinda glad this has happened now so if I do need a back I'll have someone on stand by instead of this happening a week before due date.


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