I know I've said this once today, but I have to moa (my OH is sick of it already!)
I just feel like a beached whale. I don't know if she's moved down or what, but I have this cramping feeling low down like she's pushing her way out.
I'm getting BH and when I do the pressure down there is so much more. Plus her movements today have been so forceful I have to stop what I'm doing (not that I'm doing that much lol) and wait till she decides to go back to sleep.
I guess its cause she's my third, and my youngest is still only 14 months old that this pregnancy is so much harder than my last two.
Part of me is wanting this baby to be out NOW and that I'm totally done with being pregnant. But then the other half of me is wanting to cherish this time as much as possible.
Conflicting emotions!!! But right now, I am DONE! lol
I just feel like a beached whale. I don't know if she's moved down or what, but I have this cramping feeling low down like she's pushing her way out.
I'm getting BH and when I do the pressure down there is so much more. Plus her movements today have been so forceful I have to stop what I'm doing (not that I'm doing that much lol) and wait till she decides to go back to sleep.
I guess its cause she's my third, and my youngest is still only 14 months old that this pregnancy is so much harder than my last two.
Part of me is wanting this baby to be out NOW and that I'm totally done with being pregnant. But then the other half of me is wanting to cherish this time as much as possible.
Conflicting emotions!!! But right now, I am DONE! lol