i am sick and tired of it...

i do stare at bumps because i notice more pregnant woman, i always nose in peoples prams as the go past lol x
I notice pregnant women a lot more now that I did before I was pregnant and I always smile at them, it just feels like we're all part of an exclusive 'expecting club' lol :).

I do feel sad when I see an obviously pregnant woman drinking or (once!) smoking outside the endrance to the maternity wing of a hospital. But I would never wisper or say anything as it's none of my business.
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My OH has always stared at bumps when he passes to the point that I actually point them out if he hasn't noticed and this was well before I was pregnant. He thinks pregnant women look gorgeous and can't help but look at the beautiful bumps. He's always smiling when he see's them so if they saw they could see it wasn't a rude stare so to speak.
However since I've been pregnant, I keep looking at bumps in envy wishing mine was that big. I'm only just starting to look pregnant so I'm kinda starting to get away with bump staring! Although, on asking my mother at the weekend if you could see that I had a bump or not she replied that I just looked fat and not pregnant! xx
I cannot believe some of the things you's have said, i'm absolutely disgusted that people can act this way towards pregnant ladies. Those of you who ignore it, good on you, I really wish I could do the same if someone verbally abused me, i'd literally go off my nut. I wouldn't start fighting with anyone, but I wouldn't be able to just stand there and say nothing. Its no-one else's business if your pregnant or what age you are. No one at all has a right to say if someone should or shouldn't be having a child, how dare they. Just because someone has a certain way of life or are younger than average does not mean for a second that they are not worthy of a baby I try and keep it in my mind that I dont know what other people's lives are like, for example, a pregnant woman smoking in the street, she may have given up the fags when she fell pregnant and is just having one due to a stressful day. Its her baby and she has to live with the consequences herself.

It riles me up when people are so judgemental of people that they dont know.
I look young for my age im 24 but look about 12 haha and this is my 3rd baby but me and my husband have been together nearly 9 years im a full time mum and he has a very good job we have a nice house a car and our childrn want for nothing we are brilliant parents and I love been a mummy, in the 6 years I have been a mother iv had tutting, dirty looks and comments in the street mostly when I have been with my 2 children alone without my partner as he looks much older than me. But the worst of all was when I went for my first scan with this baby me and hubby were so exited we had been trying for a baby since we got married and couldnt wait to see our little bubba on the scan we were absolute beaming after then we went to the fromt desk to make our appointment for 20 week scan and a lady on her 50s took my notes and said 'is this your first baby' and I said no its our 3rd, she looked me up and down TWICE and said very loudly 'you dont look old enough to have 3 kids'!!! so I said well im 24 but I didnt know there was an age limit! she rudely giv us our appointment and shoved my notes into my hand then give me a dirty look I walked out nearly crying from been so happy she just spoiled a very special day for us just because I dont look a few years older its discusting ill never get that first scan back. people are just horrible sometimes. Sorry for the massive rant but it angers me how ppl can be so nasty and spoil things for someone just because they look young! Fair enough if I was stood swearing at my kids with a fag in one hand n a can of carling in the other id expect ppl to judge but I would never do any of those things! x
I've never had one stranger ask me about my pregnancy, look at my bump or anything! I must just look fat, or people in Sunderland don't care about babies :lol:

That's because Sunderland is full of makems..... :whistle:

Only kidding... I'm black and white through and through! I'm just up the road from you :wave:
I was at a wedding on Saturday and went to the bar to buy a round of drinks for my hubby and friends and you should have heard the commotion that it caused. I don't know if the people thought I was buying 6 alcoholic drinks all for me but the comments and dirty looks that I got was riddiculous. I actually found it funny at first but later on when someone in the toilets said to their friend "thats the pregnant girl who is drinking" I couldn't help but say that I hadn't touched a drop but if I had then really it wasn't any of her business. My hubby wouldn't let me go to the bar for the rest of the night.
I dont drink, but I regularly go out with my friends who do drink, we have a meal go to a pub, they drink then when they go to a club I go home (im so sad in my old age) but im gonna be put off doing this when I have a bump, I know fine well what ppl will be thinking, even though i wont touch a drink, they'll still be looking down on me so I'm just not gonna bother doing it, i'm an emotional wreck as it is.
I've never had one stranger ask me about my pregnancy, look at my bump or anything! I must just look fat, or people in Sunderland don't care about babies :lol:

That's because Sunderland is full of makems..... :whistle:

Only kidding... I'm black and white through and through! I'm just up the road from you :wave:

Haha, :nerner:

:wave: though, are you from (big bad) Newcastle then?
i think when i eventually get my bump i'll feel very concious of how young i look. i'm 25 and this is my 3rd baby. i'll have sarah (7) and jack (2) in his buggy with a huge belly...
I've had one family member say to me.. 'When you've had this baby i think it's time that you stopped'
i think when i eventually get my bump i'll feel very concious of how young i look. i'm 25 and this is my 3rd baby. i'll have sarah (7) and jack (2) in his buggy with a huge belly...
I've had one family member say to me.. 'When you've had this baby i think it's time that you stopped'

this is my 3rd to and i am 26 :)

did any of u watch JK wednesday in afternoon, and the bloke sleeping wiv lots of woman behind his misses back even slept with pregnant woman cause he found us a big turn on??? i did not know what to think of it x
I really don't understand some people's behaviour. They must have really boring lives to find gossiping about a pregnant woman's age etc interesting. What losers, eh?

I must say, I'm more of a pram noser than a bump noser- I looooove newborn babies, all scrunched up and swaddled in a pram or a carseat. Awwwwww! Getting broody- good thing I've one coming! :)
i seen one being carried on front of a lady in one the carry things and baby had summer hat on over his eyes and his mouth hidden behind this carrier, i said awww he cannot see and she pulled his hat up he was so cute i really cannot wait x
Most of the time I'm to busy in my own little world when out and about to notice if people are making comments or looking. Depending on what kind of mood I was in, if I did hear something nasty then I probably wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut.

I must have looked like a right dodger on Saturday when I was in Tesco buying Special brew and cider! :lol: I do sometimes compare my bump with others if I see them but I'm like omg there is so neat compared to mine.
I am another one who can look young... And I get a lot of looks especially when I go to bingo, I would never say anything to anyone unless it was just damn right nasty, the other day when I was at bingo, a lady actually asked how long I had left, so when I told her 14wks, her jaw dropped and said OMG I thought u only have a couple of weeks left what are you carrying a elephant!!! I just laughed it off, but they don't understand that you are already worrying if baby is too small or too big, healty etc... I know she didn't mean any harm but its not what u want to hear all the time!!
the last couple of days has been ok i have had people saying i have a nice neat bump and they jelous lol but when they ask how long i got and tell them i only 20/21 weeks the jaws drop lol x

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