I am going to learn to....


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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sew - I really need to too keep myself busy to fix clothes that have got busted, make wraps for immy :) they help her nappies stay up lol. And make blankets and stuff for when this new baby is concieved - born :rotfl: I just think i would enjoy it even though at school i couldnt have given a fig about it.

What do i need to learn, what sort of sewing machine etec?
You could always try freecycle for a machine. Ive got an old singer (electric) and I can do the basics.

Its very theraputic and once you get the hang of it, its great. I took a top in last week that was too big for me and put some darts in it to shape it.

Saves a fortune because rather that throw something out Im more like to mend it and I buy cheaper things and tart them up.
I got the brother JS23 I think it is, from tesco for about £60 which seemed reasonable since I wasn't sure if I would take to sewing. I'm really pleased with it so would definitely recommend it.
definitely worth it in the long run!! Its great being able to make your own stuff, have you got a local sewing machine centre,its best to go and have a look and get some advice.
Ill warn you though its pretty addictive and I am sewing every night!
maria1976 said:
definitely worth it in the long run!! Its great being able to make your own stuff, have you got a local sewing machine centre,its best to go and have a look and get some advice.
Ill warn you though its pretty addictive and I am sewing every night!

Its soooooooooo addictive, no peice of fabric is safe in this house.

And its good for loosing weight to because if your hands are busy doing sewing and footering with the machine they arent in the cupboard stroking the biscuit tin like mines used to be.
any hints on where you ladies get your fabric from?

I used to go to the market, but its a bit cold for that at the moment....

Are there places online that are good for fabric?
I usually just buy any fabric off ebay. I dare say I might be able to get things cheaper if I tried but I havent done that much. I have this big length of velour leopard skin fabric I bought just for the hell off it. I havent a clue what to do with it but I love it.
Im desperate to learn, i want to get a big wad of cheap material to practise with first and get some books - did anyone learn with books?

I want to make leapord skin wraps for immy!!!
mrs_tommo22 said:
Im desperate to learn, i want to get a big wad of cheap material to practise with first!

Old sheets from boot sales!!! - ive made a few different bits and bobs for my sister and if it looks like its going to be a complicated design, i use an old bed sheet first. A bit waste full i know, but i would rather waste a sheet that i got from a boot sale for a quid than the decent fabric...

Right, im off to browse Ebay :D (sorry for hijacking your thread!)
I have been learning with books mostly although I got my mum to help me set up the machine initially and when I've been following the books, i've phoned her a couple of times when I've not really understood what they've been on about.

Sounds like there's a lot of us crafty addicts about on here though if you do get stuck. Dunelm has some good fabrics in and they do reduce a lot of stuff to half price when it's a discontinued line.

I have a big bundle of really crap stuff that I have used for just practice stitches but I think the old linen from a carboot or charity shop is a good idea.
I LOVE sewing!! Just wish I had more time (& more money to buy fabric!!) I did learn from books, plus you can find some really clear tutorials on the net. I'd avoid Craftster though, it's addicting, just like this place!! LOL!!

Also, if your looking for fabrics, look at bedding & curtains etc. I bought a pair of curtains on sale for £5, & made a huge bag from them, would have cost a fortune to buy the fabric.


I was pretty pleased with how it came out.
LisaPink said:
I LOVE sewing!! Just wish I had more time (& more money to buy fabric!!) I did learn from books, plus you can find some really clear tutorials on the net. I'd avoid Craftster though, it's addicting, just like this place!! LOL!!

Also, if your looking for fabrics, look at bedding & curtains etc. I bought a pair of curtains on sale for £5, & made a huge bag from them, would have cost a fortune to buy the fabric.


I was pretty pleased with how it came out.

Thats amazing, i would so use it!

Im still looking at machines etc to use, really need to put some money away really!
And i just bought a sewing machine off ebay stuff the cost lol!!

If i didnt get one id never get one!!
Oooooh i bought a sewing machine today too! My first project is going to be a tote bag for thea out of Dora the Explorer fabric.
I want to learn to sew in a straight line first!! I was rubbish at school and never wanted to learn, bit i want to make nappies, wraps for my future baby and make the dog a coat!
I get my fabric from ebay, Ikea or these people http://www.fabricland.co.uk, I also use old bed sheets and stuff too. It could be worth trying freecycle as well as I often see people offering fabric or old duvet covers for free.

We have a Blendworth furnishings outlet near me and the fabric is gorgeous but so expensive £20+ a metre :shock:

Try http://www.thesewingforum.co.uk for hints and tips, also you tube is great for demonstrations.

I also bought this book http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0762104201 it is very handy, particularly for clothes etc (although the clothes are a bit outdated, it still teaches you the basic principle of how to make alterations and read patterns etc). It is probably worth trying your local library first though as they do have loads of books.

What sewing machine did you buy?
I used to make stuff when I was a teenager. I cut up an old pair of jeans and made a denim patchwork bag, it was awesome :) My mum used to make us dresses and stuff when we were little, I can remember too our weekly trips to the wool shop in Battersea, the shop is still there with the same woman running it ! My mum used to make me them loopy jumpers, I loved them :)

Start maybe with some cushions covers, nice and simple, and I used to go to charity shops to get material, old leather coats to cut up etc.

Can't wait to see some photos!

I want to make something now :lol: I need some new cushion covers!

EDIT - Ikea have beautiful material :wink:

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