
Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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Hi all.. just had my Dr appointment today...she asked me when would you like to have the baby :think: I said today :rotfl: but she was serious and suggested sometime like tuesday 17th .. I agreed and would probably be induced then.. she said i'll be given gels and if nothing happens for 12 hours then i'll have a section.. i really dont wanna a section plz tell me its possible to dilate with gels only....?? :pray:

Sorry Zobo , warrior princess i might pop first :cheer:
if they didnt think it was possible they wouldnt do it.
good luck :hug:
Hi :wave:

Ive had 3 inductions all by gel and they were all natural births.

Ben my first had gel 8 in morning and again at 4 in the afternoon, he was born 1:57 next morning.

Lee my second had gel at 8 in the morning and again at 1, he was born 7:30 that evening

Tia had gel had half 6 in the evening and 2 hours later she was here

It seems strange they said only 12 hours to do a section if nothing happens. I know that definitely wasnt the case for me and that some ladies on here have gone longer than 12 hours on gel induction and carried on to have their babies naturally
Please Dont worry hun :hug: for the majority of cases it definitely does work but for some it doesnt.
Good luck with the induction on the 17th :hug: :hug: xx
I am not sure hun but ring up the local hospital and ask one of the midwifes/doctors.

Best of luck.
I'm sure you'll be fine hun...they wouldn't suggest it if it wasn't ok.
Good luck!! :hug:
How come they are inducing you early?
I posted a positive inductions link in the 37 weeks+ thread last week. Take a look. It is women given positive induction stories.

Good luck :hug:
:shock: :shock: :shock: WHAT????????????????

ohhhhhh you lucky mare.......... ive got midwife appointment in a few mins, im gunna ask for the same!!!! :rotfl:

Howve you blagged that??????

Im not jealous........................................................... HONEST!
Thanks ladies ..i feel more positive now :hug:
I wish u all luck..
zobo we might pop anytime this week without induction lol we r down to single figures now :shock:
Wow a date to work towards thats lovely for you :D :hug:
hope you go into labour naturally before then but im sure the gel will work fine as Tezz and Becky have demostrated :D

sarah :wave:
well im officially working on it now maldives, im eating fresh pineapple as i type!!! :lol:

went to midwife this mornin, she couldnt believe i havent had baby yet, she said its head sooo low down shes suprised we cant see head poppin out!!!

bad thing tho..... she said if i havent popped by next midwife appointment next wednesday then she still wont be able to do a sweep as ill be a day short of my due date..... id have to wait till week later.... almost 41 wks!!!
hense me eating pineapple!!!!!!! :x
good luck with the pineapples zobo..i don't think it worked for me..infact nothing did .... hope it does for u...41 weeks isn't that long either but u never know maybe things will start early :pray:
well i ate quite a bit of pineapple....... dont know about labour pain, but ive got belly ache...... think im gunna be sat on loo all night!!!! :rotfl:


I hope it happens before weekend for both of us!!!
Zobo said:
well i ate quite a bit of pineapple....... dont know about labour pain, but ive got belly ache...... think im gunna be sat on loo all night!!!! :rotfl:


I hope it happens before weekend for both of us!!!

I read it's 7 pineapples :rotfl:

Maybe the going to the loo will be what sets it off :lol: :pray:
7 pineapples :shock: i could hardly eat one. not a big fan of pineapples any way...
good luck zobo let us know if things started...
I think my mputh would be as sore as hell, teeth would be coated and would be :puke: as a dog :lol:
OH MY WORD.............. 7 pineapples?????????????? :shock: :shock:

Sod that..... it was bad enough eating 3/4 of one!!!!! :puke:

Well.... im still here.....no such luck!
tuesday the 17th :shock: :eek: thats not fair i was told after 7 days overdue i may be able to have a c section or be induced but not before my due date :(

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