I am back.. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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well for those that have wondered where about's I have got too I moved home on 2nd November (Around then anyway hehe pregnancy brain) me and OH now live together YAY!

So we haven't had internet or anything so I've not been able to access the forum but we had it installed today so I shall hopefully be chatting away again..
Can't believe I only have 11 day's left till my due date :shock: it's gone so fast only seems like yesterday i got my BFP.
Already tried inducing labour because i'm unpatient and naughty but this baby does NOT want out and didn't want in either (he took a lot of trying for haha) .. I have tried Vindaloo curry, rogan josh curry, 2 pineapples, sex, hot baths, breast pump and nothing not a budge,

Anyone got any tips so I can finally meet my little man :wall2:
raspberry leaf tea and lots of it...as in 4-5 cups per day, my friend who was a week early swore by it. Saying that it hasnt worked for me! lol!
raspberry leaf tea and lots of it...as in 4-5 cups per day, my friend who was a week early swore by it. Saying that it hasnt worked for me! lol!

I have Raspberry leaf tea but I have heard it doesn't actually induce labour it just softens you down there so your "stretchy" for labour because I have already been trying that :)
Hey Charlene, nice to see you back! Yay for you and OH living together, whoop!
Apparently after sex you should lie with your hips up for half and hour or so to 'keep everything in' lol :)
So just like TTC again... ewww can imagine baby swallowing some of daddy's sperm now that would make him come out he'd shit himself hahaha
Haha!!! Speaking of swallowing...I also read that *apparently* your body will absorb the hormone you need from sperm better if it's through your gut....I reckon that may have been written by a bloke lol
becky u just put a smile on my husbands face x

I have just had a spicy curry and have been having raspberry leaf tea but it seems to give me bad bhs so have to have every other day at the mo
The things us women do eh?! lol! Actually i think your right about the raspberry leaf tea, she had a very speedy birth without any tearing and i think thats what she meant by swearing by it.

DOH! Baby brain : )
Welcome back online Charlene! Congrats on moving in together as a couple! yayyyy new family life starts here!

Not long now at all, so exciting! what about long walks ?
raspberry leaf tea tones your womb and helps make contractions more effective evening primrose is meant to softem cervixs xx
Hey ladies... When should you start with the eve primrose oil and raspberry leaf tea in order for it to work? I'll try anything to make labour easier!
Well today i woke up with agonising backache so got a hot bath it seems to have settled abit but i hope to god it come's back and this is the start of my labour
Hehe it's funny how we start wishing for pain in the last couple of weeks of pregnancy! Hopefully things will kick off soon charlene :)
Yes I can't wait for either my waters to gush.. loss of plug or a dreading 12 hour's labour i want my son now mother natures a bitch making me wait!!!

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