I am back too!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2013
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Hello everyone :wave:, I have just been reading Geekachu's 'I'm back' thread and I recognized a few of the posters on there so thought I would jump in and say hello too.

Not sure if anyone remembers me but I lost my much longed for son at 22 weeks in July 2013 after losing my amniotic fluid.

It's been a horrendous journey but this year my DH and I decided we were in the right place mentally and emotionally to try again so here I am!

6w 5d and feeling overjoyed and terrified all at once. I had such great support from you all when I was last on here so thought I'd come back!
Hi hunnie :wave:

Sorry to hear about your son :hug:

Congratulations on your pregnancy! It must be such a scary time for you considering what happened with your son. Bestest of wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy! x
I was lurking around then and recognise lots of names :-) Wishing you a happy healthy 9 months! Xx
Hey hun, sorry for your loss but huge congrats on the pregnancy <3 and welcome back :) xx
Hi hun, I remember you as I was pregnant at same time as you. I hope you have a peaceful straight forward 9 months hun, you really deserve it xxx
Hiya hun. So sorry for your loss. Here is to a happy and healthy 9 months. Bighugs xxxx
Hello, I remember you too (was pregnancy with my first who was born in October 2013) and your awful loss but congratulations on this pregnancy! Have a happy healthy 9 months x
Hi hun, I remember u n ur loss too. So pleased to see u r pg again n wish u healthy 9 months.


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