I am a bad mum

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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This morning Harry fell off the bed and I feel so guilty, DH put him on the bed whilst I sorted my hair and I could see him in the mirror, normally we put him in the centre of our bed but this time we put him closer to the edge. I was doing my hair then seen him roll and was hanging onto the edge of the bed, I screamed DH and ran but neither of us got there on time. He has only just started rolling so we are so used to leaving him and him not moving.
When we got to him he was silent and still and then started screaming for about 10 minutes then the giggles returned, I have checked him all over and cant see any marks and he doesnt seem sore but I am so worried. It was at 10 this morning so do you think he is ok or do we need to take him to get checked over??
If you are concerned at all call NHS Direct 0845 46 47, they will go through a checklist with you and advise you from there. They are great - when Seren first did it, they put up with me sobbing down the phone at them :)

This is such a common thing to happen, its happened with both of mine. It doesn't make you a bad mum at all. :hug: My mum dopped me on my face when I was a toddler and she was an amazing mum (just crap at catching)
All mine have done this! You do feel terrible but babies bounce very well and if there were no obvious marks and he seems fine then I'd say all is well. Obviously if you are still worried then do call NHS direct but they will prob just give you a list of things to look out for, most of which you prob already know.

Oh, and if you want to feel better - I accidently cut my youngest's head open on Sunday. She was sitting on the floor and I was getting some videos off the shelf above her (big old VHS ones). I dropped one and the corner cut her head open. There was blood everywhere and I really DID feel like a terrible mother. But the bleeding stopped after a few min, and she was running around as usual within 10 min with no ill effects.

So stop feeling guilty - you are definitely NOT a bad mother!
Ah we had this at a similar age. I left her in bed with OH but didn't wake him to let him know! She screamed til i cuddled her then she was laughing. Kept an eye on her all day but she was fine.

I rolled off the kitchen table at 6 months!
Thanks Ladies, I have been keeping an eye on him and touch wood all seems ok, must be an initiation into mother hood hey. Well I have learned my lesson now!!!!!!!!
Isaac rolled off our bed an narrowly missed cracking his head on our cast iron fireplace :shock:

I think it happens to everyone, you are definately not a bad mum :D
:hug: :hug:
Esme did it at 5 weeks old, NHS direct couldnt believe she rolled but she did right off the sofa
this has happened to me too. really scary- i think it hurts us more than it does the babys! :hug:
Babies are designed to resist such shocks to their body. Accidents that would see an adult with severe multiple fractures when suffered by babies, their injuries are often far less extensive. Oh yes and Tia rolled off the bed as a baby too. Lil miss hasn't because I've been obsessive about it...BUT... she scrambled her brains on a regular occasion on her own record with crawling and walking so has made up for it imo :lol: Shes currently sporting a fat lip from falling face first into DH's leg :roll:
Its happened to me and i'm sure it won't be the last time. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:oops: well im really bad as Esme took another tumble from car seat to floor (luckily only a few centimeters as it was on the floor and landed gently) MIL was being an absolute nightmare and I was trying to sort LO out and lost my grip whilst getting her out, could have swung for MIL as she then demanded she held LO to calm her :evil: Luckily DH told her to back off :talkhand:

its just a fact of life these things happen and as someone else said it traumatises us more
:hug: :hug: :hug: You're not a bad mum, these things happen.

My OH was carrying Isla out of our bedroom in her moses basket when he accidently let go of one of the handles - Isla rolled straight out and onto the floor :shock: Isla screamed like I've never heard her scream before, it was awful and we all felt terrible.....but she was fine. I kept an eye on her all day and she was just fine, but the fright was terrible :(
awwww hun its awful isnt it...theres a similar post of mine on here last year...

she was 3 months old and i put her down on couch to go about 3 metres away...put loads of cushions round her and some on floor just incase (we had laminate flooring), i got about 2 steps away and heard this big bang, silence then screaming...god it was awful, i was crying hysterically, shaking...was the worst feeling in the world....

it really does happen to us all...they learn to do new things so fast

dont feel bad...mia falls all the time now and shes fine lol x
awww it happens to the best of us! millie fell off the bed once when she was roughly that age. after we'd cuddled her and she'd stopped crying we prodded her all over and pulled her arms and legs- assuming that if there were any injuries she would scream! but she didnt flinch so seemed all good. oh, and made eye contact to check she could focus properly. she was eating, playing and sleeping normally after that so didnt think we needed to get her checked. if anything seems wrong then go get checked, but its probably fine. ur not a bad mum sweetie :hug:

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