Hysterosalpinogram (HSG)


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
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Well thought I would write about this, as afew of us girls are now at the same stages of our fertility treatment.

I got my HSG today and lucky for me it showed no abnormalities and I never had to get Key Hole today phew :D - Unfortunatly it does mean the next stage for me is IVF.

Anway for you girls who have been told they need to have an HSG i have put some useful info listed below I got off my leaflet.

:D Dye which shows up on X-Rays is passed through your cervix to outline the uterus (womb) and the fallopian tubes. This requires a vaginal examination like a smear test

:D When the dye is being introduced you may feel some discomfort similar to period pain but this rarely lasts more than afew minutes

:D As you may find the procedure uncomfortable you may want to take a pain killer i.e Ibuprofen or paracetamol - ibuprofen is the recommended pain relief, half an hour before the procedure.

:D Approximatly 5 people will be in the room during the procedure, these are the gynaecologist, the X-Ray Doctors, X-Ray Technicans, A nurse, Radiologist and Student Nurses if any... you partner can also attend.

:D X Ray pictures will be taken while the dye is being introduced to give a continuous picture of the dye filling the tubes and spilling out. You will be asked to remian on the x ray table until the films are developed and checked for quality, as sometimes a delayed x-ray film is required.

:D You will be shown on the screen the x-ray pictures and the doctor will explain any major findings... however a follow up appointment is organised 3 weeks down the line to discuss the x-rays in further detail.

:D If the X-Ray finds any anormalities you will be asked to arrange an appointment for Key HOle Surgery.

Regarding the pain, it is quite painful. Id say the start is very similar to a Smear test, however they actually clasp the womb.. which is a nipping sensation (lasts afew seconds and then you get use to the pain). They then insert a probe... please try not looking down to it, as i almost passed out as it looks like a 30cm long needle :D :lol: You feel this going in, and it caused me alot of pain but once it was sitting in place i didnt feel anything, you feel the dye pouring in, and its so weird you get instant period pain, in your lower back.... then afew seconds later they Pull the X-Ray over take afew pics ... remember to smile :D :lol: then start to remove the probe and unclasp your womb. The clasping and insertation of the probe are the sorest... along with feeling uncomfortable due to the amount of people in a tiny room... it really is a case of leave your dignity at the door.

I was quite distressed by it all ... but after it was down i was like "IS that it???"

Maybe this should be made a sticky???
Thats fantastic news though! so are you going to try as normal now?
No am going to put myself on the IVF waiting list, we have been ttc for almost 2 years now.... adn the waiting list for IVF in my area is 2 years... so might as well go on the waiting list and bd like mad over the next 2 years,... and hopefully am pregnant before i have to go through IVF.
oh im so sorry that u have to through all that, but hopefully it will all be worth it. Its strange to think that you're only in your 20's as well. Wishing you all the luck in the world that u can finally get the baby you've been longing for
Im so sorry babe that ou have to go through with the ivf, but hopefully you will have your own miracle baby before it all starts.
The best of luck to you and i hope it goes well.
i know the success rate is getting better these days, so il keep my fingers crossed for you :clap:
Good luck lainey - hoping you fall pregnant before you have to go through IVF. Maybe you will relax a little now and you never know things might just happen for you. :hug:
:oops: almost passed out reading that.

Good luck hun :hug:
Thanks for sharing your experience with us hun, ive got this coming up so its good to know what to expect :D

Glad your ok and dont have any problems down there, I bet you'll be pregnant before the IVF comes around :hug:
best of luck honey i hope your pregnant very soon... :hug:
Hey EVeryone!!!!!

I know iv been a stranger for past few weeks, but iv been on holidays whoo hooo. :)

How are you all girlies, missed u loads!!!! :D

Anyway I had my follow up HSG Appointment with my detailed results.... everything is fine !!!! :pray: WHOOOO HOOOOOO

They also said that iv been accepted and am on the IVF waiting list and It will prob take about 3 years, but they said the chances of them seeing me for a course of IVF is slim to none!!!!

They think am stressing too much over trying to concieve and this is what is preventing it, they said am healthy, no problems they can find wiht me or James. :dance:

They said that its very small minority that become pregnant in the first year and the majority is in the 2nd year.... but they said to stop thinking about it.

He also said unnofficially off the record..... stressing thinking about it will do me no favours he told me to go out, relax, have some drinks and let nature take its course :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I actually spoke to a woman at my work and she said she tried for family since she was 25..... she said she charted, watched her diet etc... at 32 she lost faith and gave up... she said she got completly rat arsed drunk one night went home had some loving... and got pregnant... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope this is the case for me, but as uv all noticed i rarely post on this site - I actually think it contributes to me not becoming pregnant ie thinking about it sooo much, and I dont watch my diet nor count how much units of alcohol i drink and i acutally feel so laid back and not stressed.... For Once LIVE IS GREAT!!! :D
hey lainey :wave:

ive only been ttc a couple of months less then you but if youve not read my other post i got a bfp today at 11dpo

this month i didnt take temps so furiously , we went camping and dh well dunno what came over him but he just wanted to bd every night ! but i wasnt aware altho i knew maybe that i was ovulating ! so bding was fun and thats all that mattered at the time ! and well what do u day ! im pregnant !

i really hope u now relax and follow me into first tri , sounds like your starting to anyway ! specially as u kno that in 3 years u'll deffo getting help anyway !
Lainey I am quite new here, I have read a few of your posts and I think I might know your sister...... PM me xxxx
G3M said:
hey lainey :wave:

ive only been ttc a couple of months less then you but if youve not read my other post i got a bfp today at 11dpo

this month i didnt take temps so furiously , we went camping and dh well dunno what came over him but he just wanted to bd every night ! but i wasnt aware altho i knew maybe that i was ovulating ! so bding was fun and thats all that mattered at the time ! and well what do u day ! im pregnant !

i really hope u now relax and follow me into first tri , sounds like your starting to anyway ! specially as u kno that in 3 years u'll deffo getting help anyway !

Gem thats fantastic News!!!!!


I never knew i dont usually read much posts as theres always soo much to read if u havent been on in ages!!!!!!!

Esp after you and all the hassle with your healing.

Fingers crossed am not to far behind ya x
twinkletwinkle said:
Lainey I am quite new here, I have read a few of your posts and I think I might know your sister...... PM me xxxx

AHH Cool il private pm u - tho there are heaps of laineys in scotland :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lainey i couldn't agree more with your attitude i think getting all tense and really watching for every little sign will add to your torment of not conceiving.
I think that although this is a fab place to get advice and support it is also very obsessive...and can turn into one. I only discovered this forum on falling preggers...it took me over 7months (i have not got the full tackle 2/3 ovary and one tube). I was saying to my man the other night i'm glad i wasn't on the forum when we were ttc as i would have become soooooo paranoid. I got preggers when i stopped counting the days and just let nature take its course...

Hi Lainey,
I am new to this site but felt I had to reply to you as know exactly what you are going through. I too had a HSG a couple of weeks ago which confirmed was all ok however I thought it was the most awful experience -but I think that has more to do with my pathetically low pain threshhold and not reading the fact sheet properly (I was planning on having it done in my lunch hour!!). Seriously for anyone having to have it done soon I have spoken to a friend who has had it done and She didn't find it even half as uncomfortable as I did.
Anyway, I too have been referred for IVF although down here in Wales I am not sure what the waiting list is, I am classed as having unexplained infertility and DH is healthy too so am hoping we can beat the IVF and get a result of our own doing soon... you never know - but after 5 years of trying something's gotta give!!

Good luck and masses of baby dust...
Hi Trigger :wave:

Im in south wales too and just waiting for my appointment for an HSG to come through, im not sure what the waiting list is down here - are you going to ponty for your treatment etc?

Anyway welcome to the forum :hug:

Lainey - so pleased for you, and I just know you wont be needing that IVF :hug:
Hi GlitzyGlamGirl, :wave:

thanks for the howdy and sorry I didn't reply sooner. Once I knew I was having a HSG I received a confirmation letter in about 2 weeks asking me to call them when I had my next period and I was in within 5 days, test results back within 2 weeks. Pretty quick but I had done a lot of whining over how long in between tests and results I was having to wait!!

I am being treated in Llandough but off to Heath for further treatment now, have heard good things about Ponty though so sounds good for you.

Fingers crossed you won't have to go much further than the HSG, its supposed to clear out all sorts of minor blockages, here's hoping for the both of us.

wow that was quick, Im really pleased for you :D

I have an appointment for the 6th august now but I think thats just to see the consultant before I actually have the HSG. I love the Royal Glam in ponty its so lovely and new, and everyone ive seen there so far has been lovely and very proffesional :D

Let me know when you get your results! :hug:

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