hypnobirthing book/cd's which one?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2010
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I'm really intrested in learnig more about hypnobirthing but there are masses of books and cds on amazon and i'm a bit lost - has anyone got any recommendations?
I am also really interested in hypnobirthing, thanks for posting this thread! x
I used The Mongan Method which comes with a CD. There is also Hypno-babies and Natal hypnotherapy which are similar principles but with slightly different styles. I found the Hypnobirthing (mongan method) really good but later on I needed to stand up to help turn my baby so it was difficult to really tune out at that point. I believe hypnobabies gives you similar techniques you can use and keep mobile. I'd say have a good read about all of the hypno techniques but definitely look into them because I felt it was a fantastic tool :)
I've purchased the Mongan Method and it makes a lot of sense, I do a lot of anxiety management with my clients at work and much of it is similar techniques but a step further. I feel I really need to get my OH on board with this though. I am staying very open minded and would like to stay in as much control as possible. Both he and my mum have already made comments about me being a bit of a 'hippy' and how they weren't surprised I've been looking into this. hmph :roll:
:lol: I think the title 'hypnobirthing' gives off this hippy vibe but it's all very much common sense really. I think it's very useful to get OH on board. He at least needs to be using the right language and not talking about pain etc.
He thinks I'm a bit 'hippy' anyway so it was no real surprise and my mum reckons I never like to do things the same as everyone else! Makes sense to me, I'll get OH on board somehow!
Thanks ladies i will look into the mogan method as it seems very popuar - did you attend any classes mm? How is Sid doing?
I did the classes. I dont think I would have been able to get the breathing techniques from just reading the book BUT that's just my learning style I think....I need to be face to face / hands on to learn well. :lol:

Sid is lovely ta....very chilled out and easy going like Hebe was at this age.....now she's a loon but that's ok! :lol:
Arrrr glad he doing well, when i first joined this site you announced he was viable as mine is this week - can't believe i'm going to have my babe in arms soon too x
I've just received my Hypnobirthing book & CD and am already halfway through!! It is fascinating and a real breath of fresh air. I got the Mongan method and I am really enjoying reading about the natural approach to birth and think that for those scared or apprehensive of birth at all, it is a must! Just thought I'd share... lol
ah good to hear an update! Do you think this book would suit a couple looking at it together or is it quite woman orientated? We both REALLY want to use hypnotherapy in some form but cant really justify the money so its a book or nothing for us :(
I love the Mongan method - although classes havent been practical for me Im taking the principles and will apply them as much as I can :)
It is very couple oriantated i think and offers support to the birthing partner emphasizing his role in all aspects of pregnancy and birth. Saying that, it would also suit a woman on her own reading it too . I can't wait to show my hubby, although he'll probably just look and say "yes dear" lol. It has certainly opened my eyes to the perception of child birth.
Ah I hope your husband does read it with you. My OH has just signed up to a course to train to be a hypnotherapist so I think he's more excited for his career but whatever, he's so keen and really beleives this is the way forward. I think its good for thebirthing partner to feel empowered, he obviously doesnt want to standby helpless and watch me suffer, he want to DO something practical to help.
Wow, that's really exciting. He'll be great during the birth then!
fingers crossed!!! he can talk the talk but... only time will tell!
Good for your OH Tiny - wish mine was more involved! Have ordered book and will be getting my other to birthing partners to read it so they know what page i'm on x
im doing the classes for hypnobirthing, its also the mongan method. to be honest i found the book quite hard to understand properly so the classes are much better and i fall asleep listening to the cd (gets a bit wierd when you wake up mind and here someone talking, took me a while to get used to that) but i, personally, think i woud of struggled with the book alone as i a) found some of it hard to read and b) wouldnt have been too good at the breathing techniques without the help of the MW. my mums my birthing partner and shes really into the idea of it too which helps. im really excited about the whole idea of it and hope it works out. apparently the key is to practice, practice, practice. i hope it works out for all of us :) good luck with it xx

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