

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Has anybody heard of hypno-birthing, tried it in previous labours or are thinking about giving it a try?
I'm going to try HypnoBirthing. I've read the book a few times and been listening to the CD to practise and it's really good (if a bit American). I've taken the cheesy stuff out of it and focused on what I think will be helpful and hopefully I'm able to do it. I'm really confident about the birth, but am also keeping an open mind and will do what's best for baby xx
I would imagine that hypno-birthing is where you use controlled breathing to manage the pain? In essence, this could help, but I have found that you are in an altered mind-state during labour anyway - it's like being detached from reality, though hyper-aware of certain things.

Do you concentrate on the "spaces" between breaths (before the inhale and exhale) until your whole focus is on your breathing? I've tried this when not in labour and it does make you feel as though you're in a "trance" like state. The only trouble I'd imagine is that contractions only last a minute or so and can have 5-10 mins in-between. How would you build yourself up to the trance-like state for the contraction, without having to concentrate on your breathing and remain "tranced out" for the whole (in my case 42 hour) labour? Or just for each contraction? I mean, a lot of people don't think gas and air works quickly enough to take the edge off the peak of a contraction and that takes effect in, is it, 20 seconds?

I'm sorry if I sound negative, I really don't mean to: I'd be interested to learn more about this too.

mmmmmmmmmm??????????????? sounds interesting... anything that can help mum's I say!!! But don't think it could help me?
BUT I go really quickly.. my biggest worry is getting to the hospital and not giving birth in the car.....
27 minutes from start of labour until birth with my first child :shock: Yeah!!! and only 3 pushes... no time for ANY pain killers OR pain to be honest.... lived right next to maternity then..... Now I live at least 40 minutes away (not peak traffic time....over 90minutes in rush hours.....) :? what to do..... :roll: eekkk... :rotfl: Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
Sounds simple, Yvonne - have your baby at home! sounds like you don't need much help anyway :D At least prepare to give birth at home then, if there's no time to get to hospital, you won't be stressed about it.

The book & CD is the Mongan Method - I got it from Amazon and it was only £10 so if it doesn't work it hasn't broke the bank.

You do kind of put yourself into a trance, but they say that you do with breathing anyway. It's more about putting trust in your body's ability to birth because that's what the women's body is built to do. It explains that if you have fear then that will make you less likely to be able to handle the pain, and I believed that before I read the book. It doesn't say that it makes the pain go away, just doesn't really concentrate on it being pain but rather what you have to go through to get your baby.

I know it won't be for everyone and as I say, if I have to have medical help then I will always do what's best for my baby, but I'm confident that it will help me manage the birth and hopefully make the birth as pleasant as possible for the baby x
One of the 3rd tri girls has either tried it or is soon to try it, so I'd post on there and get some advice. She seems to have done a lot of research.

It's someone with 'red' in their username

yeah it was redshoes - we're waiting to hear how she got on as think she was in labour a few days ago x
i'm trying hynobirthing! i got some cd's off the web i got a course of 4 cd's
1 pregnancy relaxation
2 birth preparation 32wks+
3 relaxing birth music to use in labour
4 post natal recovery
they were £50 4 the set but u can get them 4 £16 each
i've only listened 2 the 1st 1 so far and it has made me feel more confident relaxed and closer to the baby
they work on reducing your fear of birth making u more relaxed and feeling in control
this is the link for the cd's they came next day!
:wave: Wendy... Love to have a home birth but I can't... I am a Bleeder... I hemorrhage badly after birth... and i have needed to go to theatre after every time..even the MC's .I needed blood transfussion..... :shakehead: So unfortunately.... I aint got that choice.... I will however prepare as much as possible :D MW has said I may even have to go in a wee bit early to be safe :roll: wait and see eh....

But... if it is different this time? ? ? I may give this Hypo thingy a try... :cheer: Lv Yvonne xx :hug:

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