

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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Hi laides,
I have this embaressing issue about personal hygine :oops:
i guess its normal , i get hot and sweaty alot, which makes my underarms sweaty and TMI smelly most of the time which makes me think the deodorant isnt working so i keep on switching to other brands all the time.
I even got this vaginal infection which i was told is normal and got the treatment for it.
now i use anti bacterial soaps and shower gels thinking i need them :think: !
does any1 have my problem or it is only me !
Its not just you, im exactly the same.

I dont usually not overheating too much under my arms, although today is particulary sweaty I must say, but I do get quite sweaty down below :oops:

I have also had an infection at 10+3 and then the antibiotics caused me to get thrush, now I have it again, despite using a special soap replacement I got on prescription form the Doc. :x

Im constantly hot, I wear short sleeved tops at work whilst everyone else is wrapped up in jumpers.
I dont sweat much or smell ( i dont think lol) but i'm really really prone to thrush and infactions of that sort, so i know how that feels, I thought i was doing well not having anything in first 1 weeks but i've had thrush twice in 3 weeks :wall: dont know what to do to stop it as i eat loads of bio yoghurt and things like that
Now we're pregnant we sweat more...from everywhere it seems :lol:

As for underarms, just use a anti-perspirant and loose clothing, not much else you can do apart from keep spraying or maybe use deodorising wipes too as that makes you feel fresh or even a baby wipe will do.

As for fanjita issues DONT use harsh soaps, shower gels or anything like that else you'll be more likely to get thrush. Even normal bubble bath can upset your vag's natural ph balance so its best to stick to something really mild for washing with and try not using bubbles in the bath.

I try to go commando at home so I dont get too hot down there and if Im out I wear a panty liner now to draw away the extra moisture to keep nice and dry/fresh.

I've definately been suffering with being a bit hot and sweaty everywhere really! And I have the added bonus of also suffering from heat rashes! My midwife suggested using a baby talc on particularly prone areas like the tops of my legs and underarms, it worked wonders!I use it twice a day and it's stopped my rashes and the nice smell detracts from any not so nice ones!
I heard that we get more sweaty when we are pregnant but the sweat smells less :think:
I always wear close fitting cotton t-shirts under anything else I wear. I find this means less smell than the sweat being trapped in my arm pit. But my OH says my BO smells like flowers :rotfl: I'm guessing that's the deodorant. I've had to change while pregnant as I couldn't stand the smell of most things for a while - I've got Radox pure clear which smells lovely :D

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