hurry up bump!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Bit of a pointless post, but I am so frustrated. Where is my bump?! I'm over 17 weeks now and don't look much different. I think the bump maybe hiding behind the podge I had already. My stomach isn't even hard! I want to be able to show off my baby bump, how long will I have to wait?

I didn't get a bump till 30 odd weeks it's really frustrating lol x

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Awww flopsy.... mine was all fat till about a couple of weeks ago when I can now notice a change in shape and clothes getting tighter, shouldn't be too long for you now..... count your blessings you are still fit in the same clothes lol x
That's the thing hopeful. I'm not in the same clothes! I was in a size 16 trousers before I got pregnant and changed to a size 18 for room. They are too tight now so am in joggers and skirts! Lol! I need some smart trousers but my town is small and has NO maternity clothes! Unbelievable!!! I won't buy clothes off the net because I am fussy so waiting until I have my 20 week scan to go to the baby superstore in the next biggest town. (50 minutes away!) Grrrr.

its weird cause i think i just look the same but kinda fatter like ive ate a lot over christmas haha but i was out seeing hairspray last night (which was fab) and i had a few comments saying u could see my little bump so maybe others can notice it and u cant. So far im in the same clothes but getting rather tight now.
Oh I know that feeling hun, I drove 80 miles (I live in north Scotland) to find the maternity range only to be told that there was only 1 store in Scotland that did it!!!! Now having to keep on sizing up, cutting tags out of the clothes though lol Does your belly look more rounded? Was hard for me to tell at the beginning with the fat pockets developing but can now see it becoming more formed xx
I know AmandaPanda didnt get her's until about 2 weeks ago and it just came out of nowhere! Sometimes it literally seems to happen overnight!
Not rounded at all. I just look fatter! Lol! I suppose it will take a while to show through the podge I already had! Hopefully I will wake up one morning to find my bump has appeared!

Flopsy, mine looks more fat but a more rounded fat lol hang on in there xx
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I noticed a bit of a change quite a few weeks ago and get a little bit of a bump! But since then it seems to have stopped, i am still in my normal clothes which are a little bit tighter but i just want a proper bump! I must be getting bigger as i have little stretch marks starting to form on either side of my belly button and bottom of belly, no matter how much i plaster myself in oil! I keep showing my mum an she says its geting bigger but im not convinced, i think thats coz when i show her i try to stick it out a bit! But maybe Lou is right and coz we are looking all the time we cant tell!

Havent seen oh for a week so im waiting on his opinion when i see him later! xxx
Flopsy I had a chubby tummy before, I have a bump now and I look huge!!!! Someone asked me at Christmas if I was due in January!!!!
I'm getting a bit annoyed with folk saying "sure it's not twins" or "are you sure you got your dates right" I eat quite healthy as well lol

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It definitely comes out all of a sudden so I'm sure you will get a lovely bump soon flopsy xxx
Thank you girls, this thread has put my mind at ease a bit as I was starting to worry that I don't have a bump at all yet. I am only 13 weeks though so it's reassuring to hear that some of you still haven't got a bump at 17 weeks. I still haven't had my 12 week scan yet - appointment is for next Wednesday when I'll be 14 weeks. I have been realy nervous about it as I never had much sickness or other symptoms so I have been worried they'll tell me at the scan that im not even pregnant. I know this is a bit silly as I haven't had AF for 3 months but I just don't FEEL pregnant at the moment and getting really nervous about the first scan.
Hey, ive only got a proper bump in the last three weeks, and flopsy i didnt feel any movement till around 22 odd weeks. So panic not chickxxxx
Well still no bump! I will be 18 weeks on wednesday. I can't sit worrying about it anymore so have made an appointment with the midwife on thursday. I want her to check for the heartbeat. It was there at 16 weeks and just praying it still is!

My bump is only just coming out now, and even then it's just a teeny bit at the bottom as the rest could still just be fat. Also, not sure I'm feeling baby yet or not, think I am but it's just the odd feeling and I have random pains around that area generally in life anyway. Not worried though, loads of slim people don't get bumps till much later so got to give her a chance to push through the fat lol.
it will be hun u just worring, I dont have much of a bump at all and had no movement i was that worried paid for a scan few weeks ago and all fine so although i got to see my wee boy i was so happy some like my mother say it was a waste of money.. It will all come in time i was the same on my first x
You sound like me Flopsy - mine did come out of nowhere at 22 weeks, but even now it's still much smaller than other people at the same stage as me....sounds like me you have put on weight all over rather than just on the tummy....meant to be a sign it's a girlie...xx
Funny you should say that amandapanda! I have an inkling it may be a girl. It will be interesting to see won't it? I am planning on finding out the sex, if all is ok!


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