

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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hey ladies! im 17 weeks and 5 days and although theres a big of swelling ive not got a proper bump yet! its driving me crazy! i know im deffo still pregnant cause its little heartbeat sounds like a steam train through my doppler! and i can sometimes feel tiny movements. but the lack of bump is so disheartening.
i told everyone about my pregnancy really quickly so people have known since i was 7/8 weeks, so lots of people have been asking where my bump is. i think the wait is just as long for them as it has been for me!
two people at my work (both insensitive males) even assumed id lost the baby!!

was just wondering when you guys started to 'show'? i can see a wee difference in my tummy and so can those close to me. but to others i dont look much different at all and to a stranger they wouldnt guess i was pregnant! im 4 months gone.. surely something should be happening?!

aw, hun, don't worry! :hugs:You should see how my 17 week bump photo compares to my 19 week one, which I took yesterday. I nearly died of shock. (Sorry, I'm a bit shy of posting bump pics here or I'd show you) I was barely showing at 17 weeks, just a little bump below my belly button, and suddenly I feel like a whale! It really depends on if you carried any weight on your tummy already too - I was slim, size 8/10, and it didn't even show much then. You'll only be seeing bump pics from ladies who've already got a bump to show. I certainly didn't at your stage :). It'll be here before you know it.

What a terrible assumption those two guys made at work. People shouldn't be staring and judging. Just ignore them! xx
thankyou!! sometimes i find myself lookin at my scan pic and using my doppler just to confirm that i havent imagined the whole thing haha! hopefully it will just sprout out of no where like yours has! fingers crossed :) xx
I'm only a week behind you and I don't have much to show either! Definitely a difference to me and OH, and close friends when I show them bare flesh, but with clothes on I don't look pregnant! I was SO tempted to get a dopplar because I don't feel pregnant and can't feel any movements, but I know I'll just become obsessed with it so have resisted so far! Got MW appt Mon and she said they always listen for the hb at every appt so fingers crossed. Think is just a limbo stage of pregnancy and suddenly we'll pop out and feel movements properly :) Can't wait! In a way I think it's good not to show too early as hopefully it'll mean a) less weight to lose at the end and b) less stretchmarks! xx
:) I can totally sympathise with this, some days my bump seems huge and the rest of the time it is so small like at the moment!!!

I get really paranoid about it and then I start to worry as I have been the last few days as he hasn;t moved much either :dohh:

Hubby has said if I am still concerned after the weekend to call the midwife and see what she says :)

But yes I get serious Bump envy when I see everyones beautiful bumps on here :)
my bump at 16 weeks wasnt much. but by 20 weeks starting to show decently. and now it has its days if she hiding i wont have much of a bump, or to one side.
dont worry. it will grow soon.

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