HuNgRy!!!!! ......oh, and tired


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Is anyone else like this?

I go from not feeling hungry to being absolutely starving and shaky in about 30 seconds, when I gotta eat I gotta EAT!!!

Is anyone else like this? Normally I can skip lunch or don't even feel like it but recently come midday I'm raiding the fridge.
Holy crap, yes. That is ExACTLY how my whole day has been!!! I got sooo upset when I couldn't decide what to eat, I was literally in tears. :roll: I felt so pathetic, because I, like you, can go periods of time without needing a bite to eat, and not feel bad at all... it made me feel piggish and disgusting.

I currently feel lightheaded and have weird crampings. I'm NOT liking it.
oh yes i dont get a little bit peckish i get starving and if i dont eat within 20 mins im feeling sick.
just had a nap lol if i dint i would of passed out i think
manda xx
yep Im getting this. Food isn't all that interesting and then all of a sudden your life depends on what lies in the fridge.

Ive just demolished a big bag of Twiglets and Im quite distraught that I have run out of Minute Maid Orange Juice as its the only thing I like drinking now.

Mmm twiglets....

Dont why they seem appealing I have just had a huge bowl of cornflakes to satisfy my 'getting in from work hunger'....they were the quickest thing I could find!

I feel really sick when I start to get hungry - at least thats my excuse! :D
Yes! Exactly! I got that feeling at 9.45pm last night and had to rush off to the corner shop to get some Jordan's Crunchy Clusters breakfast cereal because I was actually shaking with hunger! So odd, don't think I had that with Mel. I also actually threw up this lunchtime with MS- I was at an Organic Food fair and I had to push my way to the front of a queue for the portaloos shouting "I've got morning sickness, please let me through!" I didn't throw up once with Mel either! Urchin- is this pregnancy different again to your first two?

Not that much different really, this hunger thing is new, but I feel the same kind of queasiness and tiredness I did before.

how about you Rosebay? It's so great to have you in First Tri too :cheer:
Urchin said:
Not that much different really, this hunger thing is new, but I feel the same kind of queasiness and tiredness I did before.

how about you Rosebay? It's so great to have you in First Tri too :cheer:

Aw, thanks! It's nice to be pregnant together again! I've felt quite different so far, with Mel I knew as soon as I conceived, I had leg cramps and kept thrashing my limbs around in my sleep for the first fortnight! Then I had a lot of cramps and slept a lot and from about the stage I am now I felt mildly sick from 12-7pm every evening but wasn't sick. This time I only thought I might be pg because I had a massive hormonal go at my OH around 10 dpo and I started getting really shaky when hungry. I've had no cramps (but I guess I'm already still stretched from last time...?) and from today I've had proper morning sickness so it does feel quite different. It's funny though as sometimes I forget as I'm so busy running after Mel and doing things whereas the first time I spent all day reading about what was going on inside etc!

Your boys are so cute- are they good friends? I can't wait for Mel to have a little brother or sister, I think he'll really like it as he loves playing with his cousin Ariane who is 8 months younger than him and is very keen on my friends' babies. Mind you I guess it will be a different kettle of fish when he's got a baby here 24/7! Lol!

:hug: +++
I find i have no apetite all morning or afternoon but come 7pm ish im eating everything in sight lol
Rosebay said:
Urchin said:
Not that much different really, this hunger thing is new, but I feel the same kind of queasiness and tiredness I did before.

how about you Rosebay? It's so great to have you in First Tri too :cheer:

Your boys are so cute- are they good friends? I can't wait for Mel to have a little brother or sister, I think he'll really like it as he loves playing with his cousin Ariane who is 8 months younger than him and is very keen on my friends' babies. Mind you I guess it will be a different kettle of fish when he's got a baby here 24/7! Lol!

:hug: +++

They are bestest buddies! Brody copies everything Mason does, they love running around after each other and laughing, and rolling about on the floor. Sometimes I just sit and watch them for ages cos they love each other so much it's great to see :) Before we had Brody I used to feel bad about Mason not having a "buddy" (we use scuba diving terms in our house still LOL) now he has one :D and another on the way :D:D
Urchin said:
They are bestest buddies! Brody copies everything Mason does, they love running around after each other and laughing, and rolling about on the floor. Sometimes I just sit and watch them for ages cos they love each other so much it's great to see :) Before we had Brody I used to feel bad about Mason not having a "buddy" (we use scuba diving terms in our house still LOL) now he has one :D and another on the way :D:D

That's so so sweet! :hug:
I've had the appetite of Godzilla and now I have the muffin top to match!!

And I'm still hungry..... :shock:
ive also got a twiglet fixation after not even noticing them in shops for years!

same also im getting distressed when im hungry and not knowing what i feel like eating.
i'm the same. i feel so hungry despite feeling sick. but i never know what to eat, i'm so fussy at the moment. i ordered a curry on saturday night, and when it arrived i just didn't fancy it

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