Hungry baby! Stage 2 Milk?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Poppy is nearing 3 and a half months old and for the past few days she'll be taking her usual 6oz bottle, and then scream her little head off for more. She's never cried like that before! She'll then polish off another 6oz. So she takes 12oz in one go which seems like SO much!
Has anybody had any problems with the hungry milk? We're definitely going to start her on it because she's clearly very hungry, bless her. I've heard it can make babies constipated?
We bought a couple of ready made cartons of hungry milk and she didn't seem to have a problem with them.
Also, is hungry milk actually worth it, does it really make a difference to how full they get?

I wanted to wait as long as possible to wean, but I think we'll be starting at 4 months at this rate!
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YES! Hungry milk is AMAZING! Cescas been on it since she was 4 weeks old :) xx
I love hungry baby milk, i had our Adam on it from 4 weeks too and im in two minds to transfer Elexia over to it as shes draining 6oz bottles and looking for more x x
We started weaning Owen at 4 months as he was hungry! Now he on a mixture of 8 oz and 7 oz bottles four times a day and some baby food ;)

I used hungry milk from about three months, i bf for the first two. Tbh i didnt notice much difference! He was still drinking as much, if not more! I started weaning quite early which seemed to help!!
Thanks girls.

I won't wait until 6 months to wean her if she's super hungry all the time. I read a post on another forum where a girl was really laying into everyone about giving their babies hungry milk and weaning before 6 months, saying things like 'It's terrible that you would pump your baby full of hungry milk which is basically just extra protein and of no extra nutrional value and wean your babies early just for your OWN convenience' - what a load of crap! I was interested in giving Poppy hungry milk for HER sake because I feel bad that she's super hungry all the time!
Anyway, that was a different forum, just wanted to get that off my chest haha :)
Thanks girls.

I won't wait until 6 months to wean her if she's super hungry all the time. I read a post on another forum where a girl was really laying into everyone about giving their babies hungry milk and weaning before 6 months, saying things like 'It's terrible that you would pump your baby full of hungry milk which is basically just extra protein and of no extra nutrional value and wean your babies early just for your OWN convenience' - what a load of crap! I was interested in giving Poppy hungry milk for HER sake because I feel bad that she's super hungry all the time!
Anyway, that was a different forum, just wanted to get that off my chest haha :)

I wouldn't take much notice of her then hunny. My so was put on hungray milk and he wasn't draining bottles but just drank 70 - 90 mls every hour and it was tiring so changed to hungray milk and then he took 125ml every 3-4 hours which was a god send x It did make him constipated but just give extra water between bottles or make up one bottle a day with one scoop missing so extra water my HV advised this for my son x

Only thing that annoys me is when people expect 2 month olds or younger to sleep through as they can't be bothered to feed them. I find that stupid as they need night feeds up till 7 months at least my books have said 9 months is the cut off where they don't need them any more. I have had to feed my son up till now as he wasn't a big drinker or eater.

Hugs hunny. x
Thanks. Wow, 9 months? Poppy sleeps through 12 hours every night without a feed! But she's gaining weight nicely so I'm not worried. x

both the boys went on hungry milk and think i will have to do the same with Rhea soon !!! xxx
My lo had night feeds until he was 8 months old!! Ppl r lucky if their los sleep thru from an earlybage but i know what u mean misscrazycookie!! Annys me too!
My lo had night feeds until he was 8 months old!! Ppl r lucky if their los sleep thru from an earlybage but i know what u mean misscrazycookie!! Annys me too!

Jack still has a night feed, he slept through 2 nights running about 6 weeks ago but thats it! He has never drunk the 'daily average' amount of milk for his age, far from it, he can only manage 5oz tops each feed whereas most babies his age easily have 6/7/8oz at a time so i'm pleased he takes extra oz's at night, even if I am knackered!

He's been on hungry baby milk for 4 weeks now. He was taking 3-4oz every 90mins when he was on first milk and didn't seem interested in milk at all, we put him on hungry baby milk and started weaning him and he now has 4-5oz every 3hrs, he now enjoys his milk :) He's never been constipated at all but does have quite alot of water throughout the day because he's in love with his beaker lol x
My lo had night feeds until he was 8 months old!! Ppl r lucky if their los sleep thru from an earlybage but i know what u mean misscrazycookie!! Annys me too!

Jack still has a night feed, he slept through 2 nights running about 6 weeks ago but thats it! He has never drunk the 'daily average' amount of milk for his age, far from it, he can only manage 5oz tops each feed whereas most babies his age easily have 6/7/8oz at a time so i'm pleased he takes extra oz's at night, even if I am knackered!

He's been on hungry baby milk for 4 weeks now. He was taking 3-4oz every 90mins when he was on first milk and didn't seem interested in milk at all, we put him on hungry baby milk and started weaning him and he now has 4-5oz every 3hrs, he now enjoys his milk :) He's never been constipated at all but does have quite alot of water throughout the day because he's in love with his beaker lol x

Thats just the same as my son was, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one x
He's gaining weight steadily along the 25th percentile so i'm not too fussed, he is light for his age but we're not worried. He's following 75th percentile for his height so it looks like he'll be tall and thin which isn't a bad thing and his clothes fit for alot longer before getting tight too! :) x
Yeah my lilttle man has shot up to the 50th centile now so he is a tally too :) He always put weight on so nobody was worried about him my sisters babies were same drank little and often. I just saw it as he is just like me and daddy we aren't big eaters more nibblers. Plus no offence to some peoples babies but I saw some huge ones that were alot younger and I was like how the hell? Leo just never seem fat to me x
She's probably going through the 4 month growth spurt so I'd just feed her on demand when she wants it. Apparently the 4 month is the biggest spurt. So maybe give her a week or so before changing her xx

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