Hungry Baby Milk


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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Im Thinking Of Putting Lovella On Cow & Gate Hungry Baby Milk Because Since Shes Started Sleeping Through Shes Much Hungrier In The Day. She Was Havin 5oz Every 3 Hours But Now She Struggles To Make It Even 2 Hours Without a Feed. Im Considering Switching To This Milk But am Afraid It Will Be Too Heavy On Her Tummy.

Then Again She Might NEED The Hungrier Milk Because Shes Also a Big Baby.. She Was 9lbs 3oz At Birth and Was Above The 98th Centile at 1 Week Old. Now Shes Above The 99.6th Centile & Is Out Of The Chart Weighing 13lbs 5oz at 6 Weeks. She Gains 10-11oz Every Week So I Know Shes Ok On Normal Milk But Shes Just Recently Much Hungrier Quicker So Anyones Experiences Would Be Appreciated.

Thanks :hug:
does she drain the bottle at each feed? if so make her and extra oz if she doesnt then shes probably getting enough.. if she wants to feed more often perhaps she will start taking an extra oz.. i never used hungry baby milk so cant help really lol x
When She Had 5oz Every 3 Hours She Began Draining It So I Was Going To Start Giving Her 6oz But Then She Started Sleeping Through From 9pm-5am and Suddenly Changed. Now She Drinks 3-4oz If She Has a Feed Ever 2 Hours
That's what I would say too... try to give bigger bottles and less feeds - even though I know how difficult it is to do that... she might be feeding regularly by habit and maybe trying to extend the gap between feeds but feeding her more in the bottle might help?

Might not, but thought I'd suggest anyway :)
I Do Try & Stretch It So She Lasts The 3 Hours But The Poor Mite Seems Starvin So I Cant Do It Lol.. Saying That Though, She Slept From 9pm-7am This Morning..Had a 5oz Bottle and Has Showed No Signs Of Being Hungry Yet. Shes Just Laid Here In My Arms So I'll See How Things Go & Only Chnage Milk If Absolutely Nessasary. I Dont Really Want To Anyway So It Will Only Be If She Really Starts To Become Dis-satisfied.
I was only told to put Leif onto Hungry baby milk when he was having 9oz bottles and draining them and still waking in the night for a feed. If it is little and often that she takes it and she is settled in the night then thats what she wants.
xCarly said:
She Slept From 9pm-7am This Morning..

omg! lol...the joys of bottle fed babys.. charl slept thro from 7 weeks to..
have you tried changing teat size? my h/v told me to change ryan to the 6month teat size as he was getting to tired to finish the 6oz bottle...worked a treat :hug:

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