Hungry baby formula

Full of hope!

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2007
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Hi everyone :D

Jacob is almost 9 weeks old and he doesn't seem to be satisfied for long after a feed anymore. He starts crying for more and sucking on his fist 2 hours after a 6 oz bottle :shock:

Hubby and I have decided to move him on to the Cow & Gate number 2 milk to see if he settles any better. He weighs well over 12lb so I think he may be ready for it now.

How old was your baby when you changed to the second milk? (if you had to that is!)

Also, when you changed the milk did your baby have 'side effects' like being sick, more windy etc?
I didn't use it as a main drink but when I started weaning him I put it in with his baby rice... no side effects or anything cept the poos were a bit stinkier :D

That probably didn't help lol x
kieron was 3 weeks when he went onto hungry baby milk and was weaned at 9 weeks because he was having 9ox bottles every 2 hours and hannah never went onto it so they are all different
I think we changed when my DS was around 6 weeks.

He took the change very easy, and it took about a week for him to go an extra 45 mins between feeds. xxx

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