Hungry baby and feeding times


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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I have had to switch to forumula feeding which i was not happy about but didn't have much choice.

Anyway i am wondering- Charlotte is already needing more milk than recommended for her age and we cannot give her less as she screams and screams nd it is definatley hunger! Also we thought we were pretty much at 4 hourly feeds but she is sometimes hungry 2.5 hours after the last feed started so i am just worried she is having more than she should. SHould they have regular intervals between feeds or is she still too young for that? I am not seeing HV till Tue to ask about her being a hungry baby. ANyone else had a hungry young baby??

Maddison tends to get hungry every 2.5 hours at the moment too hun. She is only 5lbs 13oz so is still tiny and takes between 3-5 oz each feed :wink:
Because she's so young she could feed as often as every hour, her tummy is still growing so it's more a case of what she needs at the time, rather than a set amount every X amount of hours.
I wouldn't change her to a hungrier baby formula until you've spoke to your HV about it, I think feeding patterns at her age can be quite demanding and eratic but that's quite normal for some LO's. your HV will have better advice, as will other Mummies here I'm sure, very best wishes :hug:
I think that the recommended ozs on the side of the box of formula are just a guide, so don't worry if she's drinking more. Her tummy is still so tiny that she can quite easily digest a feed within a couple of hours, so try not to make her go 4 hourly as that will just make her so hungry that she'll end up binging on milk when you give it to her.
DS was going 2 hourly at her age, but that was on breastmilk which is more easily digested.
I would definately avoid hungry baby formula as that is thicker and harder to digest milk which will most likely give her a bad tummy ache.
She might be having a bit of a growth spurt... sounds just like Jake did around that age. It should go back to normal in a few days :hug:

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