Feeding an older baby


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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Rubie is 2 months old and when she is hungry she screams and screams with little warning and has to have her milk that intant or she gets very upset. She also has no set eating pattern and just eats when she feels like it.

For this reason I find it very difficult to get her into a bed time routine. I am always saying to myself that when she gets a bit older she will be better, but I'm not sure.

Do older babies still kick up a big fuss when they are hungry or is it easier to get them into a routine???
eva has been weird with her milk lately too! i try to give her 5oz through the day and 4oz at night like my HV advised. but sometimes she drinks it all and sometime she leaves bits. sometimes she goes four hours and sometimes 2!

i never really know where i am with her at the min. I'm hoping she will feed at more regular times soon too :?
I think she will settle down, I think I remember mines drinking loads but at funny times. Wanting fed an hour after being fed then going a while without and my god if it wasnt ready when she was I knew all about it.
Settled down though!
ewan always wanted feeding there then now if not sooner till he was around 4 moths then he got more into a rountine now feed every 3-4hrs but on solids too

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