hungeriest child, like, ever....HELP!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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hey everyone, i havent posted for a wee' while - been so busy you know> Anyway...this is probably nothing serois, but i have the hungriest baby EVER. Ive fed with fumular sinse day one, and she has always been a hungery baby, but it seems to be getting worse now. (i feed her sma 'white' - the 'hungerier' one. - shes had this sinse being 2 weeks old)

when i use the back for a guidline, it says she should be having 5 bottles every 24 hours. She seriosly has about 10 bottles every 24hours. I have to get up atleast every 3 hours through the night still.... worse then when was was first born. Its shattering and im always sooo tired. (i do all the night feeds as O/H works full time)
Older generations in my family suddgesgiving half a rusk with her milk - or going on the baby rice feeds, but looking at them they say 4months+ or even six months+
My baby can easily have 150mls (5 scoops).....and within 15 minutes demand another lot. And she'll eat it n all!!!

I dont know how much she weighs. as i havent got round to taking her the clinic yet - but passes by/family/friends cant belive shes only 9 weeks. everyone thinks she looks much closer to 5-6months!!! she was almost 9lbs born.

Can anyone help me! i thought it was ment to get easier - not harder by this stage!?!?

thanks x
p.s. - shes 10 weeks old on wednesday... my ticker is abit missleading.
tilly is 8 weeks next week and is feeding roughly every 2 - 21/2 hours, I was getting really worried as thought she should be going at least 3 hours if not longer. we are using Milupa which is the 4th type we've tried since her birth as she had constipation with 2 others. I have appt with paediatrician next week and am gonna ask AGAIN if this is normal.
Can you not just make bigger bottles? Nathans been on 9oz bottles for months now! He was never on the amount suggested on the tin so I just kept upping it till we got to 9oz. Even then he would sometimes take like 20oz in 3 hours :roll: Little pig! I wouldn't give her anything else yet, she seems a bit too young to me. Nathy was 9lb 5oz born, they just need their food these big babies. Do you do a dream feed in the night? Maybe that would help with the lack of sleep. Sorry, just read back and I wasn't much use was I. :oops:
If I were you would get her weighed and go by that on the back of the tin. What they should get for their age adn what they should get for their weight are very different.
I tried all these things with Joe, white cap, the occasional rusk and nothing helped.

The thing is though is she is taking the whole bottle after having just had one she must need it. My first was like that, eat eat eat and now she is 3 the wee monkey is fussy. Would you believe it.

:hug: rachelandjarvis :hug: nice to see you on the forum, and congratulations on your little girl too :hug:

Isaac is a hungry baby, he too is on the hungrier baby formula through the day, and he is breastfed through the night. His last bottle was 8oz, and he's 6wks old. I would just say to feed your LO what she wants, but with Isaac I do know he sometimes uses the boob as a comforter, do babies do this with bottle teats too?? As others have suggested I would speak to your GP HV about it, but if your LO is happy then I'd say don't worry about it, they know what they need :hug:

As for the tiredness I cannot help, I do hope you get some rest when you can and that if things gets a bit much, talk it out, don't feel alone, you're doing great :hug:
I personally wouldn't start your DD on any solids until she is atleast 4 months as her digestive system might not beable to cope with it. I don't know what to suggest really apart from maybe making up more in each bottle and have a word with your HV to see what she suggests. It will get easier though just give it time :hug:
My daughter was like this too. I know that is no help but I do think that some babies are hungry babies.
have you considered trying a different formula? we were using sma and he neva seemed settled on it- and the health visitor told us that a lot of babies are the same with SMA so we now use aptimol for hungry babies.

lisa xxxx
wel i got her weighed, and shes now 14lbs 3oz (8lbs 8oz born) Shes bloody huge! and was almost the same weight of a 5 month baby at the clinic. Judging by the back of the sma she should be on 210mls and 7 scoops now!!! (but age wise she should only be on 5 scoops)
How confusing... ill go by her weight for now tho. - she sleped foir 5-6 hours last night (longest shes ever done) yay!!! might just be working!
My mam told me that when I was a week or two old I would down an 8 oz bottle and then not want a feed again for a good while. Maybe thats what your LO is like? Sounds like it if she slept longer for you trying her on a bigger bottle. I used to just make an 8oz bottle up and let Kate have what she wanted - sometimes it would just be 4 or 5 oz and others she would neck the lot! Kate loves a massive dinner rather than little odds and ends. Like me! (except I snack all the time as well lol)
We use Apitimol (just swapped to hungry baby one)...Ruby still only has 6oz bottles and she is 6 months today> She prefers little and often bottles, but never drains a bottle. Up till a few weeks ago, she was on 7 bottles a day. I used to worry but its just the way she liked it-I tried dragging it out to 4 hourly feeds when she was born and it just resulted in a screaming baby and unhappy mummy, once I demand fed her little and often she started sleeping through the night and is the most happy and contented baby ever now!! We re weaning at the mo, so she is gradually dropping bottles but still only has 6oz bottles on waking and before bed, the others she only takes approx 4 oz maybe every hours, or when she feels like it!!!

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