
Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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We will be at OH's parents house in Holland as from Wednesday. Its my first meeting with them. I am really really really looking forward to meeting them :fib: His dad already doesnt like me as he accused me of fleecing OH for money. This is very interesting since I have always supported myself and my daughter, have never accepted any money from OH or asked for it and OH doesnt actually have any money, i lend it to HIM!!! His dad's response when he heard we were together was... "Come back to Holland and get a job here im sure SHE can find someone else to support her and her daughter!" :shock: I was in tears all evening. His dad is controlling and domineering and wants OH to go back to live there so he can boss him around and tell him what to do. He sends emails telling him that he is cutting im off from the inheritance if he doesnt come back by ________ (insert of many dates) I think his dad inherited a few million from his father in the past and he threatens OH with it. Plus we are having to attend his 25 year old sisters wedding (she is already a year overdue getting married as she wanted to get married by the age of 24!) I am only 11 years behind her so far :( She got with this bloke off Facebook, got pregnant and then was BOUGHT a 200k house by their mum and dad, got pregnant again and everything has been bought and done for them since. He has paid for the entire wedding. She sent an invitation to us with no names on it, no writing just the place and time. The envelope was addressed to OH only. We then receive an email from his dad to say that they dont want a present (they have everything!!! :evil: ) and want money instead and 75€ to 100€ is required :evil: What makes me really mad is she sent me an email a few months ago congratulating me on my pregnancy and asking did i want a boy or girl and that she was pregnant etc etc etc. I WASNT EVEN PREGNANT and she doesnt know we are TTC either! This didnt go down well. OH is struggling as he is inbetween jobs at the moment and his dad wont give him a bean. They never contact me and i have spoke to his mum and dad once on the phone in 18 months. I just feel like i hate them all already before i have even met them.His sister seems a scrounging money, driven spoilt brat. Thing is she claims she wants another baby (shes only just had one!) and i guess will be pregnant again soon with number 3 when we are still TTC number 1. She has everything on a plate and we are left to struggle our way through TTC and life in general. I just feel like calling the whole thing off! Sorry for the rant :(
xxsammyxx said:
We will be at OH's house in Holland as from Wednesday. Its my first meeting with them. I am really really really looking forward to meeting them :fib: His dad already doesnt like me as he accused me of fleecing OH for money. This is very interesting since I have always supported myself and my daughter, have never accepted any money from OH or asked for it and OH doesnt actually have any money, i lend it to HIM!!! His dad's response when he heard we were together was... "Come back to Holland and get a job here im sure SHE can find someone else to support her and her daughter!" :shock: I was in tears all evening. Plus we are having to attend his 25 year old sisters wedding (she is already a year overdue getting married as she wanted to get married by the age of 24!) I am only 11 years behind her so far :( She got with this bloke off Facebook, got pregnant and then was BOUGHT a 200k house by their mum and dad, got pregnant again and everything has been bought and done for them since. He has paid for the entire wedding. She sent an invitation to us with no names on it, no writing just the place and time. The envelope was addressed to OH only. We then receive an email from his dad to say that they dont want a present (they have everything!!! :evil: ) and want money instead and 75€ to 100€ is required :evil: What makes me really mad is she sent me an email a few months ago congratulating me on my pregnancy and asking did i want a boy or girl and that she was pregnant etc etc etc. I WASNT EVEN PREGNANT! This didnt go down well. OH is struggling as he is inbetween jobs at the moment and his dad wont give him a bean. They never contact me and i have spoke to them his mum and dad once on the phone in 18 months. I just feel like i hate them all already before i have even met them.His sister seems a scrounging money, driven spoilt brat. Thing is she claims she wants another baby soon and i guess will be pregnant again soon with number 3 when we are still TTC number 1. She has everything on a plate and we are left to struggle our way through TTC and life in general. I just feel like calling the whole thing off! Sorry for the rant :(

aww sammy :hug: to be honest, they sound horrible!! How dare they say im sure someone else will support you! Maybe their opinions will change once they actually meet you and not just hear of you. Listen, you and your partner will appreciate everything you get in life because you work for it. His sister may have more in life but I can promise you they won't be content if ppl just keep giving them.

And actually saying how much of a money gift they expect is just ridiculous - how rude! I would buy her some ugly tea towels with their names on :lol:

The important thing to remember sammy is that you don't have to prove yourself to these people or impress them. Make your mind up before you go that your going to defend and stand up for yourself if you have to and do exactly that. They might even repect you for it. You have nothing to lose so just hold her head up high and stick with your oh because no matter what, they can't come between you guys.

Your relationship / finances etc is absolutely none of their business anyway.
They blame me for meeting OH, they think he would have returned back home after completing the final stage of his degree here. But he didnt and stayed. Then he met me and he refused to go back and live in Holland ever since. When OH called to say I was coming over with him his dad said "well i'm really surprised, i'm still not sure about the whole thing though (meaning me "the thing") His parents dont drink, dont smoke, dont swear, dont go out - his sister is the same, the same as them which is why they have so much respect for her. OH drinks, smokes, refuses to be controlled etc, they say he is the blacksheep of the family. They hate his drinking and smoking. I feel like i have to be another person when i go and visit and that if i walk in a little tipsy i will be classed as some sort of wino. OH has said to be myself and stuff them, he doesnt take any notice of them and will infact drink and smoke all the more if they nag him. But this only means they will dislike me anymore. I often ask OH what when we have their grandchildren? Will the continue to ignore me then? No, of course he replies. This makes me even more angry since then they will just want to know me for their grandchild... :(
xxsammyxx said:
They blame me for meeting OH, they think he would have returned back home after completing the final stage of his degree here. But he didnt and stayed. Then he met me and he refused to go back and live in Holland ever since. When OH called to say I was coming over with him his dad said "well i'm really surprised, i'm still not sure about the whole thing though (meaning me "the thing") His parents dont drink, dont smoke, dont swear, dont go out - his sister is the same, the same as them which is why they have so much respect for her. OH drinks, smokes, refuses to be controlled etc, they say he is the blacksheep of the family. They hate his drinking and smoking. I feel like i have to be another person when i go and visit and that if i walk in a little tipsy i will be classed as some sort of wino. OH has said to be myself and stuff them, he doesnt take any notice of them and will infact drink and smoke all the more if they nag him. But this only means they will dislike me anymore. I often ask OH what when we have their grandchildren? Will the continue to ignore me then? No, of course he replies. This makes me even more angry since then they will just want to know me for their grandchild... :(

Your in control though.. if they don't like you and keep upsetting you, fine.. separate yourself from them even when their grand children come because you shouldnt be disrecpected infront of your kids by them.
When my mum met my dad her mum hated him, said he was beneath her, and they fell out.
My mum got married with no family at all there and then never spoke to her mum for a year.
Roll on the years, god the sun shined out of my dads arse according to my nana - so give your oh's dad a chance to get to know you this visit, tables might be turned around! :hug: :hug:
I would buy her some ugly tea towels with their names on :lol:

^^^LOL that made me chuckle^^^

Meeting OH's family for first time is bad enough without all of that mither. You rant away because they sound like complete idiots, how dare they judge you before even metting you.
Totally agree with what all the others have already said, They sound awful! rant away on here it is why we are here and like ejjie says we all love you :hug:

Love the idea of the towels :lol:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww Thanks everyone. Ill let you know how it all goes... :(

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