Hubby sperm test!


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2010
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Well with the move and everything going on kinda put the sperm test to back of mind- today I remember and tell hubby to ring them!!

He phones me to say = the dr has put a note on the results and wants to see you- hubby can't make any appointments this wk so has a phone appointment with gp on Friday!! I'm now worried about "note on results" that it's bad news?!
As a nurse I know ur not allowed to give info over the phone ESP receptionists so maybe it's jus the gp needing to tell him the results x x

Need to know now don't want to play on my mind til fri!! :clock:

*** updated ***

Not good news I'm afraid :(

Vol 1.8 ml ( apparently should be more than 2 ml)
Ph 8.3
Viscosity normal
Sperm antibodies 0
Concentration 17.5 million (low)
Progression motility 46% (should be 50%)
Normal forms 3% ( should be 15%)

Formulation no 0.24 ( should be above 1.5)

The way they do it is formulation of 3 factors - concentration, progression mobility & normal forms to give a no x
Our normal forms being sooo low brings our figure to 0.24 which is 6 times less than it should be so they said we are 6 times less likely to conceive :cry:
Will probs need treatment but due to hubby having 2 children we would be low priority x
Gotta go to the gp here next wk get registered and see what the system here is like with those results x

So with my fooked ovaries and his fooked sperm were fooooooked :( :(
But at least I know now x
Shit hun, sorry to hear its more worry for you and another waiting game. I really hope its nothing for you to worry about. xx
All I seem to do these days is wait for something so kinda boringly getting used to waiting :(
I remember that feeling and even though I have my bfp, i'm still waiting lol. The waiting game will never stop no matter how far down the line you are.

You have lots to keep you busy at the moment though, so hang in there x
Can't you pop in and get a copy of the reults before you see them and let us have a look at them? I hate waiting too :)

I don't know what to make of the note to see you... hopefully it's just to progress you further and there is nothing wrong :hug:
I would LouiseB but I'm in Wales now!! Hubby still in Bristol this wk but then sat he officially moves aswell x

I'll tell him to make sure they give him the actual values xx
Hi Hun, the receptionist might give you them over the phone you know, at my docs they are allowed to give you them if the doc has seen them.

FX it's nothing to worry about!

Oh Drummer , i waited ages for mine and then got a letter just saying normal on al parameters no results as such but i am requesting some just out of curiosity!

I hope its just an admin thing fx x
I suppose it's pretty sensitive info, no-one would want some receptionist screeching down the phone that his little swimmers are all fine. Hope it's all ok hun xxxxxxxxxx
I got told the outline from my receptionist too - doesn't make any difference to me... news is news.

They just confirmed my dob and things.
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Hiya, i didnt think receptionist's was allowed to give info like that over the phone, i know my husbands one couldnt, when my husband had his tests done to see why i couldnt get pregnant, i got my husband to phone to get the results but the lady said she cant give that information out & the doctor would have to be the one.

So i told my husband to arrange a call back from his doctor, maybe you could get your husband to do the same. His doctor called back the same day & i also told my husband to ask for a copy of the results to be sent out over the phone, as its best to look at them yourself, to see what the dr considers normal or bad, like sperm count, motility. If you do get a copy, i would be happy to interprit them for you, just send me a inbox if you want it done privatly. Goodluck. xx
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Sorry about the result but they aren't that bad - not so bad that you'd worry about the treatments not working iykwim.

I don't see why you'd be "low priority". That's bs. You get in line line everyone else... you both have issues.

The volume is millileters (ml) not million :)

His pH is high and that can easily come down with diet improvements - that's the only thing we've managed to improve upon. No fizzy drinks is how we managed it.

The concentration is good too and so is the motility in terms of infertility.

Even taking the poor morphology into consideration, he has over half a million sperm cells with normal morphology.

That's plenty :) They might even be able to manage IUI with that.

Try not to be too down about it - there are lots of options available to you to make it work :hug:
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Glad you replied quickly Lou :hugs:
Needed someone with bags of sperm knowledge to help me out!!

Glad u think there's hope for us x hopefully new gp will help us straight away x will get onto them on Tuesday xx

Right off to work to try be cheery for my pts!
Hiya hun. Is this his 1st test, because there should be 3 sperm samples done over a 3 month period before there is a diagnosis of low sperm count etc ?

Your husband DOES have sperm & the motility is not that bad either, EVERY man is not gonna be spot on what they consider normal but yet they get there wife/partner pregnant, the low forms could be fixed through tamoxifen. The ph 8.3 is supposed to be less than 8 but dont worry about that cause on 1 of my husbands is was 8.2, then on the 2nd test it was less so it was just one of them things.

When i did mention it to the doctor he said not to worry about. They say above 8 considers a infection, but maybe this would be if on the 3 sperm tests the ph is all around 8.3. I would consider that your husband DOES have 2 more sperm tests before there is any dicision made. Dont panic looking at them results there not as bad as it sounds because he has sperm & his next sample could be higher than these results, how long did he with abstain from producing his sample, no longer than 4 days its suppose to be ?

If they aint offered any more sperm tests then i would bring up that you have heard from someone else who suffers with infertility that her husband had to have 3 sperm samples before a decision was made also mention tamoxifen for your husband too. In the mean time put your hubby on Zinc & high dose of vitamin C.

Ask his doctor about a antioxident ask wether vitamin E would work for him.

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Thanx xx

Hubby did abstain for 2 days prior to test as he was told to x
I appreciate he needs more tests done but as in middle of moving we now need to register with new gp in Wales to move forward with further tests x

He has now stopped cycling due to change of job- he takes multivit wit extra zinc & vit c in them x
He wears boxers that I wouldn't say were overly tight but were gona look at that aswell x

Jus hope there is help jus blow after blow likelihood of conceiving naturally is very slim so I know that now I can move on x
rubbish news but sometimes its worse when "nothing is wrong" . That is not the worst SA I've ever seen and sometimes when the boys do some lifestyle adjustment, the borderline tests can go normal really quickly!

hope the new job working out well for you.

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Thanx fliss xx not seen you around in a while?! Xx

Yeah gona get him on the lifestyle changes as of Monday he's got no more excuses if I have to put up with horrible side effects of metformin then he can stay off the fizzy drinks and wear loser pants :lol:
heya hun. so whats the next step for u?
this waiting game is horrible isnt it.
no-one seems to understand what we go through
So sorry to hear that :( hope you get the help you need :hug:

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