Hubby is in hospital


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I'm getting panicky now as the day goes on because I was hoping he would be in and out today.

On tuesday night hubby fell off his mountain bike and broke his collarbone. He has gone in today to have surgery to put pins in it as the fracture is displaced.

He has been there since 8am with no food and they still haven't done the procedure :(

I hope he is ok because he was terrified when I left him.
Oh hon :( I'm sure he's fine but it must be stressful for him and u - big hugs and hope he's home with u soon x x x
OMG :hug:

I am sure he will be on a drip to keep him getting what he needs hydration wise hunny. I had this when OH had his veins pulled, first ever op and under for 6 hours rather than the 30 mins we were told. It was only when I kicked off that they explained there'd been a big crash and the surgeons were called away :roll:

Am sure he will be fine. Have you got someone who can come and sit with you? xxxxxxxxxx
My parents will be round tonight as it is Thursday and we usually go to the pub. I just feel really sorry for him sat there all day on his own. I hope they do the procedure soon. He has been texting all day bored out of his brains.
Bless him. How long will he be at home for afterwards? You know it will be good practise for you when baby comes lol. My OH rides a mountain bike and thinks he's 12 not pushing 40, am sure he'll end up in the canal one day :roll:

Try not to stress love. Have the hospital not given a reason for the delay? I would have thought it would be a priority surgery xxxxxxxxx
He's in the trauma ward above a&e so I guess it's something to do with that. :(

I could throttle him BB. He is a keen mountain biker (as I was until about 3 months ago lol) and he has been using the local cycle track to keep his fitness up during the week as it's too dark to go out on the trails.

Anyhoo, he rings me up saying he had crashed his bike and could I pick him up. I think WTF? Crashed on the cycle circuit? How on earth. It turn out there was one other guy on the cycle track who had pulled to the side to check his tyres and hubby was looking the other way and crashed into him full speed. What a muppet. So he is going to be out of work until after xmas now (not that he has been working but still... he definitely won't be working now).

My maternity leave is being eroded by the second. :(
Oh hun, men are a nightmare and don't ever grow up do they?

Because he is self employed and now injured you need to look into what help you can get. I am pretty sure the Social Fund can help you as well as the benefits office. I got help from the social fund when I started this job because I had to come off JSA and wait 6 weeks to be paid. It costs nothing to try and might at least take the weight off you both a bit. Also I am pretty sure that if you have a mortgage and he is self employed there will be some kind of insurance for the payments? I think you have to have it even if it's just included in the payments and they don't tell you about it.

There's a few options you can try to help out financially. In the mean time, when he does get home feel free to poke him in the collar bone for me xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh no the poor thing, hope he's ok and gets home to you soon xxx
He still hasn't gone down for surgery!! I feel so sorry for him
Aaawwww. Try to get some rest love, stressing out will do you and baby no good and you'll need your strength for when he comes home xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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