Hubby felt baby!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2006
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Yes last night after a week of trying, my husband actually felt baby move!! About time, it usually stops moving as saoon as he touches me, so i wreckon its a girl cuz my daughters did this!!

Also I just put the doppler on for the first time in a week and baby must have had a big growth spurt, i can hear her/him moving about, kicking the monitor and jumping around!! So cute, im so glad i brought a doppler. :cheer:
ah bless I bet he's really chuffed. I'm hoping we get that joy soon!
awww i can't wait for that day

w i can't wait for the that day.... :hug:
That's wonderful Claire. He won't keep his hands off your belly now :D

im feeling my baby all the time and my partner felt him move about 3 days ago now - ive got a propper little thumper!
Its wonderful innit. My OH only felt a few faint kicks, he isnt very patient and baby tends to lie still when daddy has his hands on my tum :rotfl:

Friday night, he felt three large defo kicks, so hard they lifted his hand up in air, and last night he felt a good 5 mins of strong squirming!! He was so amazed, his mouth hangs open and its the sweetest thing, always makes me cry to see his face xx
Aww bless, it kicked so hard last night i seen my belly twitch in the bath!!!! :cheer:

Thats great!! Wait till the baby kicks your OH while hes sleeping :D
That was my favoutite part of pregnancy and i miss it soo much , cannot wait till i can feel it again, so amazing.

Haha - must be a girl thing as Libby stops wriggling and kicking as soon as C puts his hands on my tum, its almost like she goes ...mmmmmmmm..... and snuggles in on herself (well that what I like to think anyway :hug: )

She gave him 3 big kicks last sunday then had a big wriggle yesterday when he had a fondle so he was chuffed with that!

Glad to hear you;ve been able to share this special thing with you hubby babes :cheer:

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