how will being pg affect your job?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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following on from the teacher thread.... ive also got worries about going back to work next week!

me and my OH travel round promoting bodybuilding gyms, spending 6 weeks on each promo then moving to the next.

apart from it being a 12 hour day 6 days a week , moving round the country (no access to my doctor) ,lifting boxes of leaflets, climbing around decorating gyms, demonstrating equipment....... im also concerned about how being soft looking and pregnant will look to to prospective meatheads (usually im a female meathead myself so i fit in fine !) ......and to the club owners who have effectively hired me for 6 weeks and i turn up looking not like a fitness professional, but pregnant!! i'll be stopping work in feb but thats still a couple of rounds of looking pg....

on the other hand, at least my co worker / boss is my OH :hug:

what are your concerns, are anyone elses as multiple as mine????!!
I'm sure you'll be ok, I bet you still look fab and toned even when pg (unlike me :lol: )

I work as a supervisor in a supermarket, though I desperately want to go back to my usual role as an administrator (I really miss sitting at a puter with a coffee in a cosy office, I miss the office banter)
Once I get to about 3 months in my current job I'll be made to sit on a check out all day which would bore me to tears. I'm bored enough, and don't use any of my skills as it is supervising! :x
it won't affect my job as I work in an office - apart from people staring at me :rotfl:
It shouldn't have much effect on my job being a desk bound bunny normally but if there was any chance of an overseas trip, that'll pretty much be out. Our main event is in December and it's going to be so stressful but I think it will be too early for me to bow out of it without lots of negative remarks from colleagues.

Other than that, I'm flaming knackered and tired all the time and am wondering if it's too soon to count down the days to maternity leave yet!!!
I'm an assistant manager in a shoe shop and it's hell. I can't do anything but stand behind the till coz I'm not allowed to climb ladders anymore! God help me at christmas! They also want me to work 12.5 hours shifts, but I've told them where to stick it!
Kitten x
Thankfully i gave up work last year because if i was still working i def wouldn't manage. I'm a riding instructor, so lots of outdoors on your feet, bad smells and riding wouldnt be too good right now!
I'm quite lucky and not overly concerned. I work for a financial institution so my work is maily office based and I don't really get involved with lifting any heavy objects.

The only thing that does concern me is that I've recently applied for a new (promoted) position in my work and I don't really want to say anything about being pregnant until I know whether or not I'll have the job.

I know it's not supposed to effect your chances but I would rather have absolutely no chance of it happening! On the other hand, I feel really bad and as though I'm lying to everyone. Plus, I'm pretty sure people already know!

I got asked when I was due in Tesco's last night for christmas sakes! (Although I was equiped with a little baby bump and a trolly full of baby stuff!)
I work up in the City and I'm rarely home before 8 in the evenings.... looks like that will change A LOT!
Well I don't know for sure I'm pg yet, but if I am, it will affect my job big time!

I'm a delivery driver for an automotive parts supplier. Lots of heavy lifting of car/lorry batteries etc...oh well, will just have to get the men to help me :lol:
It's already affecting my job, and I only work 5 hours a week!

I also work in a Gym, but in the Creche looking after the children. we have kids from 6 weeks to 16 years and although I haven't had my risk assessment yet (it's next week) I know from being pregnant with Brody that it changes things a bit.

For example, I can no longer be a referee for football or basketball in our sports hall, in case my tummy gets hit by the ball. I can't help the little kids climbing around our Wacky Warehouse type bit either in case I hurt my back. If a toddler is having a tantrum or needs taking off their mum I can't do it in case they kick me.

Also I used to carry tables and vacuums and stuff around a bit but I can't now. Last time they asked me if I wanted to stop vacuuming altogether and I said no cos if I have to do it at home I should still be able to do it here!

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