How unfit am I ??!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Today I got up to do my first run since I had Leorah. I hadn't realised just how unfit I've become after a pregnancy and 3 months recovery after a section! I could only run 2 mins at a time, I used to run 30 mins every other day and that was after walking 4 miles to work, 4 miles back, getting in and getting changed and going straight out to run!! It was also rainy and windy but I can't let that put me off as it is winter in Denmark and I am just grateful we don't have snow! It is my core muscles that made it hard, I have no strength in my stomach at all anymore. I am determined to get fit again and have dug out my beginners running plan and am going back to basics. It starts one minute running and 3 walking but hopefully I'll build my stregth up again soon. I had lost so much weight since having Leorah but after going on the elimination diet since I have reintroduced wheat i have overloaded on bread and pasta and feel really bloated and fat again!

Is anyone else determined to get fit? Perhaps we can egg each other on?
WELL DONE YOU :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Wish i could find the time, u will get back to ur normal fitness level in no time hun :hug:
Thanks for the support Sophie :hug:

The time factor is the hard part. My DH didn't leave for work until 10.30am today so I did it before he went. I am going to have to plan ahead and stick with the schedule if I am going to do this. It will be hard but I have a goal to wear my DH's fave outfit on my next birthday which is in June and its pretty skimpy :lol:
Im with you hun we can encourage each other. I used to do yoga everyday, tae bo every couple of days and swim twice a week. Do you know what i've done since Thea was born? A big fat zlitch! I was 7stone 8lbs before Thea, i am now 10 stone 3lbs. I'd like to get down to 8stone 5lbs before the summer!

Well done you for even trying! You have inspired me to do some yoga this afternoon after my lunch has settled!
Oh good Mel, we can encourage each other :hug:

I can hardly move today! I can't believe how out of shape I am! I am so depressed about it, I am going to London in Feb and I don't want to look like crap, though noone will take any notice of me with Leorah around :lol:

I always fancied doing tae bo, I even bought a dvd but you had to learn all the punches and kicks first and I am just too impatient!
I did some yoga yesterday and lets just say im not as bendy as i used to be! Its so depressing.

Im going home again on the 1st of Feb and i've given up thinking i'll look any better by then!

Im just about to have a drink and then Thea and I are going for a walk.
I planned on running again tomorrow but hurt so much I think I'll have to wait until Thursday! I will do a dvd though.

What's the weather like in Hungary? It is really rainy, windy and cold here but mild compared to normal. This time last year we were knee deep in snow.
We were told to expect snow drifts and non stop blizzards etc from Dec until March. So far we have had an hour's worth of snow in Nov lol. Its beautiful here today! Really bright and sunny. So much for Hungarian winters!

Off for another walk today i think.
You are so lucky it seems like we have had rain for a week and it so windy too. I love not having the snow though because then I'd be pretty housebound!
Walked for an hour and a half today with Thea in a sling, talk about a total body workout! - note to self there are wayyyyyyyyyyy to many hills in my part of Budapest lol
I am trying to get fit again. I started back at the gym at about 7-8 weeks after giving birth but my knee keeps playing up and setting me back. :( I am determind though to get a reasonable level of fitness back for the middle of march when we are going skiing. We have already had to put back our skiing holiday, we should have been going this week but my OH changed jobs and they wouldn't let him take this week off work.

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