How to tell my 20+year step kids I'm pregnant....


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Discovered I was pregnant on Thursday so chuffed to bits! This is my first baby but my partner has four children from two previous relationships. Really concerned/worried about telling his children who are 23, 21, 20 and 11 that we're expecting.

I'm 38 and he's 40 so our baby making days are soooooo not behind us but can't help worrying what their reactions will be.

No chance of telling them en masse as they don't live together (plus three of them live in England while the 20 yr old lives in Wales with us) so expecting stunned silence at the end of the phone.

Any words of wisdom out there.....................?

I'm 22 and I'd say just be honest and upfront with it! I think I'd actually die of shock if my parents announced they were expecting, but they're in their 50s and 60s :lol: good luck telling them and congrats on the pregnancy :love:
Ha ha, I think they'll die of shock too! Youngest I think will be fine as his mum had another son two years ago but the older ones are very uptight and controlling. Am glad I'm able to tell the eldest over the phone as she kinda scares me ha ha!
Hey I would say just be upfront about it, I would want that from my parents (I'm 25 and theres no way that my parents can have children anymore mind). I remember when I was leaving school a lot of friends parents and step parents were having kids and they all seemed to cope fine. I think there was initial shock but it all settled quite quickly. Hope it all goes well x x x
Thanks for the advice both! My OH was dropping hints to them a few months ago for a grandchild, wow are they gonna be surprised when we tell them we're the ones expecting!!
as they dont live with you tell them over phone and then give them time to let it sink in but let them know your only on end of phone for a chat, better still get other half to do it!!! lol
My daughter is 14 so not quite as old as your step kids but she was absolutely thrilled to be getting a baby sibling. We included her from day one, I think it's important to tell them early so they feel involved even though they are much older, I'm sure they will be really pleased for you. they might have that yucky thought of parents having a sex life, I'm quite sure my daughter was probably horrified from that point of view as all teenagers are! But she never mentioned it and just seems so excited she won't be an only child anymore she's always checking how I am and fussing round me, it's lovely plus I'm thinking I have a live-in baby sitter lol! Good luck let us know how you get on x
My plan is indeed to get their Dad to tell them while I pace the room waiting for their reaction! 20 year old who lives with us is a proper self obsessed lady (so bad I wrote that) but am pretty sure she'll fake happiness and then gossip to sisters/friends on facebook.

Will let you all know tomorrow afternoon how it goes!
My stepdaughter was 20 and an only child. She was over the moon when we told her when we were expecting AJ.

Hope it goes well. x
OK so I was 24 when my dad told me that he and his 3rd wife were expecting and I was over the moon for them.

If they cant be happy for you thats their problem, also, its your other halfs job (in my mind) to tell them, not yours, theyre his kids. AND you are pregnant and do not need any stress in this first tri let alone dealing with what could potentially be an uncomfortable situation. I hope they're ok, but if they arent at first they will get used to it. Lets face it youre not old. Im 38 my partner is 39 and we have one 2 year old together.

Good luck sweetie let us know how you get on xxx
Hi, all! Good news, they were all over the moon! We've told the three older girls but not his youngest son (11yr old) as we're not ready to share our news with his mum quite yet and OH really doesn't want her opinions.

Sooooooooo relieved. OH did the telling whilst I paced the room beside him ha ha xxxxxxx

Discovered I was pregnant on Thursday so chuffed to bits! This is my first baby but my partner has four children from two previous relationships. Really concerned/worried about telling his children who are 23, 21, 20 and 11 that we're expecting.

I'm 38 and he's 40 so our baby making days are soooooo not behind us but can't help worrying what their reactions will be.

No chance of telling them en masse as they don't live together (plus three of them live in England while the 20 yr old lives in Wales with us) so expecting stunned silence at the end of the phone.

Any words of wisdom out there.....................?


to be honest i dont thin u need to worry at their age, its not like if they were very young and u have to break it to them gently in fear of them not getting on with the baby, at end of day theyre adults so just tell them
Glad it went well for you, must be a relief to not be worrying anymore x
brilliant news hope when i tell my step kids they react the same!!!
Only seeing this post now but so glad it went well xx
Just a quick update, told the 11 year old last night and he's really happy about it. Even his wicked witch of a mother sent me a text congratulating me and telling me to take it easy! Thank god I was sitting down when I read it ha ha..................x
aw that is so great! and congrats to you! your only 3 days ahead of me woohoo!
It really is! Have had my limelight stolen about the age gap (which is a good thing) as my 32 year old sis in laws father is expecting a baby with his girlfriend. Makes our 23yr gap look like nothing!

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