How To Make Bottles In a Power Cut


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Im terrified....:shock: Its really really windy weather here. I'm scared the power will go off again, we seem to get it all the time in the bad weather, luckily never had it when with a bottle feeding baby tho.

How do I make up bottles? I've got everything sterilied & I've boiled tons of water & have some formula counted out in sterilised cups. What do I do thro the night if the power goes, I take it I just use the cooled boiled water & add powder, i'm worried coz it wont be warm & might not dissolve & also the germs in the powder...:cry:

Im feeling all emotional :cry:
I say thats the only thing you can do hunny :hugs:, we do this during the night anyway as i have bought some of those insulated bottle sleeves that hold in the heat so even 4hrs later the boiled water in the bottle is still warm x x
Do you have a gas stove? If he power goes out you can put the bottle in a pan of water and heat it that way, just use a lighter to light it cause the electric spark wont work.
Yea if you keep the lid kn the bottles the water stays sterile, just add the powder and give it a good swirl then shake' swirl first Cos otherwise the powder sticks kn the teat! If you can today, pop out and get some Milton so you can cold water sterilise ad some bottled water, but make sure it's got nowt added to it!xx

Sent from my spammy iPhone using Tapatalk - it's got a mind of it's own!
The powder does dissolve when the waters cool hun! Jack had all of his feeds at room temp until he started weaning (then got fussy once he'd tasted warmed food lol) He was never poorly either, your little one should be fine x
Thanks ladies

I went to bed terrified, esp when OH said he heard someone blowing on the baby monitor - quite obviously just the wind blowing thro the window he'd left a tiny bit open :roll: - had to get him to go before me & turn the lights on! lool

No power cuts thank god, i suppose cooled water isn't too bad, I suppose it would be more of a panic if we couldn't sterilise, got the tabs in case of emergency.


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