Hey ladies!! Another rant from me. My ttc journey is getting longer and longer. Another failed month. Iv lost count of how many actual cycles Iv been trying as my cycle length changes. Im finding it hard to stay motivated. Any body have any good tips on trying to stay positive and also trying to forget about it all. Im told so many times to forget about it and just get on with life and it will happen. But I cant seem to do the forget part very well xxx
Hi Liz,
I'm sorry you're struggling. It's so hard, isn't it? We've been ttc for over 3 years now and we're waiting to begin IVF. Meanwhile friends are getting pregnant all over the place (and I know for a fact that there hasn't been any struggle for them). It's hard to stay positive sometimes. I don't know if it's helpful, but I'm going to share my recent experiences in case you can take anything from it.
I felt like I hit rock bottom end of August/beginning of September. I was really low, really anxious, and had lost any semblance of positivity. It felt like a real crisis point.
A conversation with a colleague convinced me to start acupuncture, so I made an appointment straight away. It was a massive help, for a few reasons:
1) it was something of a counselling session as well as an acupuncture session. The acupuncturist specialises in fertility, so he is very understanding of the processes and the emotions and it's very easy to talk to him about how I'm feeling without fear of being judged or worrying that I'm being boring.
2) He made me see that my stress could actually be managed, with breathing exercises, positive visualisations, and things like yoga and meditation. I started using the Headspace app in the evenings to wind down, started practicing deep breathing, and found that my sleep began to improve which has made me feel better.
3) It prompted me to look for other supports, so I went back to an old counsellor from a few years ago who had helped me, and also went for some fertility massage which was deeply soothing - and also felt proactive.
4) Finally, it is 30 minutes to just lie quietly and relax each week.
It's been about 10 weeks now since I started all that and I feel in control of my situation again. I feel much calmer, and much more positive about things. I'm also finding that my hormones actually seem to be a bit more in control... I don't know if it's actually down to the acupuncture, but I've not had any of the usual debilitating hormonal headaches I used to get, and I feel like I'm generally on a more even keel.
I know that once IVF starts it's all going to get very stressful again, but I think it's really worth going for some alternative therapies if you're not doing so already. It's a way to relax, and it's an outlet to get things off your chest to someone who isn't your OH or friends which can be really helpful.
I've gone from feeling completely pessimistic about the whole thing to feeling really quite upbeat and positive, something I didn't think was possible!
Good luck xxx