How superstitious are you?

I dont get the drains one?! :think: I have never heard of that?! Is it similar to dont step on a crack in the pavement lol!?

I count magpies but more for fun as my grandad had a pet Magpie and we never had bad luck lol

I "touch wood" all the time! That is one I do do!

I love the number 13 which is odd as I only ever prefer even numbers!

I do believe in Sods law though! It always happens! If you say something the opposite always happens lol!
It's awful, I'm such an irreligious heathen, and I have such a thing about keeping a rational mind, but I am more superstitious than I have any right to be. Most of it is habit mind you

D you count magpies?Yes, and I say "Good afternoon Mr Magpie"
Do you walk under ladders? No!
Cross on the stairs?...don't have stairs
Throw salt over your shoulder? Yes!

AND I won't touch a "fairy" hawthorne for love nor money, I won't step into a ring of mushrooms, I won't bring mayblossom into the house, and if I accidently walk over a grave I apologise to the corpse

I fail at life
I -

Say "Good morning Mr Magpie, hows your wife today?" if I see only one.....or I used to.....When Liam and I went on our first date it was Friday the 13th and I was panicking about it, when we met he told me about how a magpie had been trying to get in through his bedroom window that morning! So ever since then, if I see one magpie I think "Oh, something good will happen with me and Liam today" and it always does!

Throw salt over my shoulder if I spill some.

Look for signs like if I see a type of car on my way to work then it means whatever I'm worrying about will be ok (this sounds slightly Rainman now I've written it!)

Never walk under ladders

Swear by the magpie for predicting the sex of the baby of anyone I know who is pregnant!
I voted a little

I count magpies and say ''good morning mr magpie''
Will not walk under ladders
Throw salt if I spill some
Will not cross on stairs.

I would say that my brother is not at all as he is getting married on Friday 13th :shock:
I voted very because I won't walk under ladders, I count magpies, I beleive if you see a black cat its good luck, I believe in loads of things like that! I'm a bit sad really!
zebrastripes said:
It's awful, I'm such an irreligious heathen, and I have such a thing about keeping a rational mind, but I am more superstitious than I have any right to be. Most of it is habit mind you

D you count magpies?Yes, and I say "Good afternoon Mr Magpie"
Do you walk under ladders? No!
Cross on the stairs?...don't have stairs
Throw salt over your shoulder? Yes!

AND I won't touch a "fairy" hawthorne for love nor money, I won't step into a ring of mushrooms, I won't bring mayblossom into the house, and if I accidently walk over a grave I apologise to the corpse

I fail at life

:rotfl: :rotfl:

I've never heard of those ones?!
It might be an Irish thing. Even now, in places, people totally freak out if some planner yanks up a fairy hawthorne to build a motorway or w/e
a lil - do the magpie thing, dont walk on 3drains or under ladders :think: :think:
I'm not at all. I just don't do things for my own or other people's safety! Like i won't walk under a ladder as you can guarantee i will catch it with my shoulder and the poor sod at the top will be hospitalised! Or if no one is up there then it'll land on someone else! :lol:
I won't walk over drains as i fear of getting my heel stuck or i'll drop my keys/money/mobile phone.
I don't throw salt as it's pretty much never ever used in our house anyway.
I used to have a black cat so doesn't mean anything to me there.
I never even heard of the magpie thing til i got with my OH at 17!
I don't put an umbrella up indoors, but that's coz i can't get outside with it up! I'll catch it on the door and break it!

I'm just a clumsy moron so i just avoid things to avoid getting hurt!
LaineyG said:
I -
Look for signs like if I see a type of car on my way to work then it means whatever I'm worrying about will be ok (this sounds slightly Rainman now I've written it!)
Omg I do that! I thought I was the only one!

'If a red car passes my window next, it'll be ok, if a black car goes past next, it will get worse, if it's silver, it's neutral' for example :lol:
I sometimes salute magpies but only out of a childs habit. I don't for one second think that anything bad will happen to me if I don't! I walk unders ladders, have smashed mirrors, put umbrellas up in houses! :lol:
I salute magpies but that's it. One of my friends always freaked out about 3 drains and pulled us away whenever we were about to walk over them which got pretty annoying! lol.
i dont know whether i believe it or not but out of habit i do stuff like, salute single magpies, i dont walk over 3 drains or under ladders, i pick up pennies for good luck (and notes for even better luck :rotfl: ) but i couldnt tell you why i do it. just force of habit i think. although about 7 years ago i broke 3 mirrors in the space of one year. lol

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