How soon?!


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2019
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How soon after miscarriage/negative test do you guys get your period?

miscarriage started on 9th on December! On 29th I had surgery to remove the remaining tissue.
Got my first negative test on 10th of January!

I haven’t been tracking this month as I was giving myself a break but now I wish I had because I’m dying to know where I am in my cycle!!!! Not sure if I’ve ovulated yet! Not sure when to expect a period!

Any experience?!

it’s only been two and a half weeks since my negative test xxx
I’m wondering the same thing. I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks back in July and another now in November. I finally got a negative test about 3 weeks ago. Wondering if my body needs more time. Not sure! Scared it’ll happen again
I’m wondering the same thing. I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks back in July and another now in November. I finally got a negative test about 3 weeks ago. Wondering if my body needs more time. Not sure! Scared it’ll happen again
So sorry to hear of your losses!
How soon did your period come back first time?! have you had one since November?! Just feel like I’m in limbo! I’d actually be happy to see a period just so I know things are working xxx
So sorry to read this... Miscarriages are horrible and mess with head and body after.. Hope your af comes soon or another bfp like so many. I looked back at my chart. My first loss my af came like clockwork on a 28 day cycle for months then fell pregnant my 2nd mmc after that af went whacky. My af came 28days like normal but after that I had a 25day cycle then it would have been a 32/33day cycle on the one I got my bfp going by ovulating.. Sending big hugs to you. Hope one way or another you know soon as nothing worse than the unknown xxx
So sorry to hear of your losses!
How soon did your period come back first time?! have you had one since November?! Just feel like I’m in limbo! I’d actually be happy to see a period just so I know things are working xxx

So for me, my first mmc at 6 weeks I took the pills that cause you to pass everything. That was the weekend after July 4th. I bled for probably 3 weeks total and there was a piece of tissue that finally came out the end of August which right after I got a negative test and had my period 2 days later. This time I took the pills again November 6 and I again bled for weeks, but had a period around New Year’s Eve even though my tests still had the slightest positive test. I passed a piece of tissue on January 4 and tests immediately went negative and I just started my period a few days ago.
Took me 6 weeks to get my period back after my d&c.
It was a long old wait. I think it took my pg tests 3 weeks to go negative aswel.
The wait was crap
Thanks guys! I wish I’d been tracking for ovulation soooo much xxx

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