When to test??


New Member
Sep 6, 2006
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I'm new to this site so please forgive me if I go on too long!!

I had a missed miscarriage at the end of May and have been TTC since then. I need a bit of advice as to when I can do a pregnancy test.
I have had two periods since my miscarriage. I started bleeding with the miscarriage on 25th May. I got my first period on 3rd July so if we go from day one of my miscarriage bleeding this means my cycle was 39 days. My next period came on 9th August (37 days) and so I anticpated ovulating around 31st August/1st September. However, I think I ovulated a week early. I have been using ovulation prediction kits and had a positive result on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th and then a negative on Friday 25th. When does this mean I ovulated? Would it have been around the 25th/26th? If so my next period should be due around Friday/Saturday this week.
I have been having "symptoms" although these could just as equally be period symptoms. My boobs are quite large and fairly tender and I have felt a little queasy though nothing serious.I have also had a few cramps which I don't normally get this close to my period. I used a First Response test last night and it came back negative. Was this too soon to test bearing in mind that you can apparently get a positive result up to 4 days before your period is due?

I am sorry for going on but I'm doing my own head in!!

hi jill, welcome to the forum! :wave:

basically when you get a + on your OPK they say you should bed as often as possible within the next 24-48 hours, but also most people tend to try and bed every 1-2 days before ov as sperm can live inside you for a while, have read various opinions that they can last anything from 24 hours up to 5 days depending on the strenght of the sperm. did you Bd when you got your positive on OPK?

as for HPT testing, they also say that you should use fmu as if you test later in the day the pregnancy hormone may not show up, also you could still be testing too early, lots of people dont get a + until after their period was due.

good luck :hug:

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