how soon is too soon??


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2006
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hi all,
could i ask your advice/opinions please! how soon after a m/c is it ok to start trying again?? i had another m/c last thursday, my bleeding stopped early monday. all the physical symptoms i had have gone(swollen boobs etc). emotionally im doing ok, after a few awful days ive got my head around whats happened and in my own way come/coming to terms with it all. my thoughts are turning towards the future and trying again, but how soon is too soon?am i possibly more furtile right now??(read somewhere that i am?)
think the fact im quite "fired up" about not letting this defeat me, is driving me on, but very cautious about setting myself up for a fall.
any and all advice gratefully listened too!!
thank youxx :hug:
I know someone that had a miscarriage about 9w and conceived (and had a healthy baby) a day or so after the D\C that she had.

I don't have any advice apart from that though- hope you are ok :hug:
Try again as soon as you feel ready in yourself.

Doctors recommend having one normal AF after a M/C but that's only so that if you do get pregnant straight away they can date the Pg easier.
After my miscarriage in June/July I bled for 2 weeks and then started trying again straight away.

Like you I'm fired up and I know it's possible to get pregnant which is half the battle that some unfortunate people don't even achieve.

Good Luck :hug: Wishing you a BFP and a long healthy Pg.

hi muffin

I think you should start as soon as you yourself and oh feel emotionally and physically ready. As charm said they only recommend waiting to ensure your over the mis and they can date the pg. Best of luck we're rooting for you.
Like everyone says try when your ready. I know the docs say to have a regular AF first but that is so it makes it easier for them to date a furture PG if you fall straight away. Personally I started trying again straight away after my MC cause they say you are actually more fertile, and sure enough I caught straight away. And because I didnt tell them I was charting I get to have an early scan too so they can date it!

I agree do it when your ready if you feel like you are now then go for it .. good luck hun
Katrina :hug:
Hi Muffin
how you feeling? if you feel ready then no reason not to, you seem to be keeping quite positive and thats the best thing you can do, never give up! :hug:
hi emma

feeling alright 98% of the time, but every now and again i seem to get these werid wobbly moments!?sadly my DH seems to be the one who gets the brunt of it, spend alot of time apologising!!!
we are (unoffically?) trying again, decided to go with how we feel rather try plotting dates etc for now, and if we fall. we fall! feel abit naughty cos doc said to wait till first AF, but thought, hey-ho! my body, my life!
well done for staying positive muffin, i think they only say that as if you fall again quickly its harder for them to work out your dates but alot of people say your much more fertile after mc so fingers crossed. as you say go with the flow and if it happens it happens. good luck :hug:

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