How soon did you show??


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Just wondering how soon everyone showed with their pregnancy?

I'm pregnant with my 3rd baby (4th pregnancy) and have been told that after 2 or 3 births you show sooner than with 1st and 2nd, is this correct??
Everybody's different. Some people will show sooner others will be the same. If you look at tummp pics in 2nd tri (the last few pages) I've got pics on me in there - I'm having my fourth and its my 6th pregnancy.
I started showing at about 24 weeks but even when I was 30+ weeks some people didnt even realise, but I think they are so self absorbed that they dont really notice things about anybody else lol

There was this spooky woman who comented that I was pregnant at about 20 weeks, but I wasnt even showing by then, I was at the just looks fat stage :rotfl:
Everybody's different. Some people will show sooner others will be the same. If you look at tummp pics in 2nd tri (the last few pages) I've got pics on me in there - I'm having my fourth and its my 6th pregnancy.
I started showing at about 24 weeks but even when I was 30+ weeks some people didnt even realise, but I think they are so self absorbed that they dont really notice things about anybody else lol

There was this spooky woman who comented that I was pregnant at about 20 weeks, but I wasnt even showing by then, I was at the just looks fat stage :rotfl:
with my first i actually started showing very early, but i didnt lose very much weight after having charlotte so i cant really tell now cz of my mummy tummy.
Ry was my first and I started showing round about 23/24 weeks. People still couldn't tell though until I was about 30 weeks and from then on it just balooned!
with my first i actually started showing very early, but i didnt lose very much weight after having charlotte so i cant really tell now cz of my mummy tummy.
Ry was my first and I started showing round about 23/24 weeks. People still couldn't tell though until I was about 30 weeks and from then on it just balooned!
Riley was my 1st and i showed real quick about 20 weeks every1 culd tell and i pretty much stayed teh same apart from the end where i ballooned even more :(
i was HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, i showed from really early, not so much showed but bloating, if you look in first tri i even had a photo there.

i properly showed at about 15 weeks and from there on i ballooned haha
first time about 14 weeks - but by 20 weeks you could well tell. (i have a very skinny frame)

this time.. still not showing, (maybe a tiny bit bloated) kinda hope i dont for a while longer wanna make the most of only just getting back into my skinny jeans!
I began showing around 24 weeks. When I finished for the summer holidays I didn't have anything to show and 6 weeks on I look quite pregnant!
i'm 15 weeks now and i'm enormous. was talking to a lady the other day who is 16 weeks pregnant and she said she thought i was atleast 25 weeks because she instantly knew i was pregnant just by looking at me. i started showing about 12weeks i think. i was showign when i had my scan. even the sonographer commented!!
I'm sort of showing now and have done for a good few weeks - unfortunately its 5% baby and 95% food :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl:
monster_munch said:
I'm sort of showing now and have done for a good few weeks - unfortunately its 5% baby and 95% food :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Yeah that old "food baby" chestnut! :rotfl: :rotfl:

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