How soon can you get symptoms?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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Oh my god i feel so rough today, i would only be 1 week pregnant if i was which i very much doubt...surely its far to early to have any symtoms?

I went to bed with a really bad head ache last night and woke up with it again this morning and i made my sandwiches for work and before i left i threw up and now i'm sat here at my computer eye's watering because i feel like crap and think im going to be sick any second...

You hear of women knowing that they are pregnant as soon and they conceive but is that real or just in there head??
with my first i new straight away. i just felt different. and very tired right from conception to be honest.
did you feel sick tho? im really feeling ill today.. Im never ill really.. I honestly cant remember the last time i was sick either till this morning.. :(
yes i did., i felt VERY sick woth my first. but iwas never sick. all i could drink was lemonade for a bout 8 weeks. i lost loads of weight
hmmm, i just cant believe that i could possibly know i was pregnant when i only done the dead last week.. It just seems so weird.. OMG i feel soooo sick... sorry to keep on...eeerr... to top it all off i'm sat at work with people keep asking me oh you look like you've had a late one when actually i fell asleep on the couch at 9.30 last night which my husband was well impressed with...NOT.. I cried at work yesterday for no reason too.... surely i cant tell already.... surely...
they say that you feel the symptoms more with multiple pregnancies.They said my first daughter may have been a twin coz i had a heavy bleed at 8 weeks. Then the symptoms eased.

are there twins in your family?

how old are you and are you tall?
No not twins or anything like that in my family.... and no i'm only 5ft 3 so far from tall

Its nice to talk to someone about this it's keeping my mind of wanting to throw up...booo....
I knew because I kept falling asleep on the couch in the afternoon. I thought it was just work but then my boobs grew....and I turned into a cow overnight. Sounds stupid but some people just know straight away. Don't know how people can get to 4 months and not know..but as they say every pregnancy is diffrent i just hope you don't feel this crappy all the way through!!!!
I still wont believe it till i've missed a my av... Im starting to feel a bit better now, still got a mild headache and still feel a little sick but nothing like i did when i got up this morning....
I just posted in the ttc bit about doing another ovulation test this morning, see the thing is i done an ov test on tuesday and it was positive and then i done another one this morning and it showed positive again, how long do they keep coming up as positive? or could it be detecting something else?
I don't know alot about ovulation tests. i can only think that they detect hormones like pregnancy tests. How far away from getting your period are you? there are probley alot of girls in the ttc forum who would know all about it.
very far (about 12 days) which is why i dont believe that i could know this early.. maybe i've got a bug and its taking it out of me....
Maybe your just really sensitive. Some people float through pregnancy and their only ''symptom'' is their clothes getting too tight some people suffer every pregnancy niggle known! It was one week before my period that i got symptoms but i just thought it was my period. I don't know.....I could say just wait and see what happens but it's not that easy 12 days can feel like a lifetime. I wish I could help!!!!
Hmmm maybe, or maybe i do just have a bug.. Feels lots better now tho which is strange, dont ya think?...hmmm..
i am so glad u put that because im 8 days away from my period and for nearly a week ive been really ill same symtoms as you so maybe we could be ill let u kno in 8 days if i get a bfp or not

i had similiar symptoms last month...headache, hungry, tired loadsa stuff...there were two moons last month ( has impact on brain lunar - lunacy)O and links with menstruation and i think with this humid heavy weather it is affecting me, maybe it is doing this to other people as it was like a day after conception i got sore boobs and when i was preg at xmas I did not get any symptoms until well into nearing my period, my main symptom was sore nipples and i had a couple of dizzy spells, a teeny bit of sickness one day....
see how you get on and get a test on the ready for end of month
Ooo Sunshine gal...I burst into tears at my work when I must have been only around 2 weeks pregnant. I also just felt different. For one the pain in my breasts changed from the day after ovulation and I started feeling really tired. On top of that I completely went off fags from day one.

So I think it's entirely possible to start feeling symptoms from day one.

Whether or not your actually pregnant is another thing...unfortunately you will have to wait to take a test. :cry: And if you're like me you will take a test one week and get a BFN and then a week later (period was then two weeks late) get a BFP. :cheer:
Oh thanks you lot for your replies, it does help talking about things eh...

Ive not really had any other symptoms, really dont think i am preggers...

I normally have REALLY REALLY sore boobs for over a week before my period but this month my boobs started hurting last week lots like usual but hardly hurt at all now which is bizzar for me as like i said they normally kill all the way up till i come on.... I did start taking oil of primrose about 4 days ago so would that be why their not hurting anymore?? anyone??? someone said that it would take about 2 weeks for that to kick in but i really dont know, all i know is that my boobs feel far better now and im due on on thursday... strange...

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