Help - Pregnancy symptoms have almost disappeared!


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Hi, I really need advice. I am about 5 weeks pregnant. I woke up this morning and my pregnancy symptoms have mostly disappeared. Most noticeably my breasts did not feel swollen like they did in since I found out I was pregnant. I have had no nausea and I have no abdominal pain like I had in the first few days, only very slight twiches which I might be imagining. I have a lot of energy and don't feel tired. My breasts are only sore if I press on them by the central bone and although they are bigger and still have the little bumps on my nipples, when I woke up this morning I was really aware of the absence of the swelling pain.

I have had no bleeding whatsoever and no cramps.

I am worried as to why my symptoms seem to have disappeared. I cannot go to a doctor as I am abroad to get married in a few days. I had quite a stressful flight and did not sleep too well last night.

I would really appreciate any help or anyone who has had similar disappearance of symtoms and gone on to have a healthy baby. Thank you!
Hun symptoms can come and go, they rarely mean naything bad in going to happen :hug:
have a great wedding day and do not worry! xx
Don't worry about it, I tend to have 3/4 bad days, then nothing for a day or two, then its back again. Worried me too the first time my 'symptoms' (sp) disappeared, but now I'm just releived of the day off from feeling like I'm gonna be sick all morning.

Good luck with your wedding! Have a fab time x
I agree with Sami and Emmylou. My symptoms came and went throughout, just make the most of those symptom free days.

p.s. am loving the avator :wink:

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