Hi, I really need advice. I am about 5 weeks pregnant. I woke up this morning and my pregnancy symptoms have mostly disappeared. Most noticeably my breasts did not feel swollen like they did in since I found out I was pregnant. I have had no nausea and I have no abdominal pain like I had in the first few days, only very slight twiches which I might be imagining. I have a lot of energy and don't feel tired. My breasts are only sore if I press on them by the central bone and although they are bigger and still have the little bumps on my nipples, when I woke up this morning I was really aware of the absence of the swelling pain.
I have had no bleeding whatsoever and no cramps.
I am worried as to why my symptoms seem to have disappeared. I cannot go to a doctor as I am abroad to get married in a few days. I had quite a stressful flight and did not sleep too well last night.
I would really appreciate any help or anyone who has had similar disappearance of symtoms and gone on to have a healthy baby. Thank you!
I have had no bleeding whatsoever and no cramps.
I am worried as to why my symptoms seem to have disappeared. I cannot go to a doctor as I am abroad to get married in a few days. I had quite a stressful flight and did not sleep too well last night.
I would really appreciate any help or anyone who has had similar disappearance of symtoms and gone on to have a healthy baby. Thank you!