"he hardly crys cos I change him, feed him and settle him to sleep before he gets distressed- it's amazing and if you are quite an organised and structured person yourself, give it a go! My friends who are not routine followers are struggling and say how are you so relaxed and look so refreshed and I say, just read the book. Now my lo is teething but still not waking, he knows that you sleep at night and nothing else
I'm sorry but this made me wince. Babies are individuals and I think you just have one of those babies rather than following some book. I am guessing that many mums feed and change their babies before they are screaming their head off (which is what was inferred). There are many ladies on here doing their best and for whatever reason are struggling with sleep/feeding issues and I would hazard a guess that this has nothing to do with lack of routine, I think it's insulting to them to intimate as such and I certainly wouldn't want a new mum reading this and thinking they had failed somehow or that there was something wrong with their baby because their lo wasn't doing what some text book said they should. We all do what works, I'm glad it works for you.