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Going to butt in here;;
Jack was 8lb 4.5oz when he was born, at day 6 he was 7lb14oz then weighed again at day 15 and was 8lb15oz Little greedy guts. xx
Zak got weighed today. Hes 14 and a half months ! weighs 23lb13! (75th centile) and is soo tall that hes off the chart !!
xxxxxxxxxx my tall skinny boy xxxxxxxxx
My little man weighs 15lbs 3oz at 21 weeks, he isn't a huge boy but he is doing well and is healthy, seems to always just gain a pound in weight each month
Issac has gained a whopping 15oz this week which is great as he lost 4oz the week previously! So he is now exactly 14lb... i have a 1stone baby now he is back on track between the 25th and 50th centile line
Elizabeth is 8lb 14.5oz at 6 weeks. She was 6lb 9.5ozs at birth but dropped to 6lb in the first couple of days. She is continuing on the 9th centile line happily.
Ariel was 9lbs 7oz at birth. At his 5 day check he'd gone up to 9lbs 11oz and them at 10 days zoomed up to 10lbs 3oz. Just been weighed at 12lbs at 4 weeks!
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