How often do you see MW?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Had my MW appointment today and was was well. Babies measuring 3 weeks ahead but MW did say i looked big for 28 weeks. Questions is how often is everyone seeing there MW now as i have only seen her at 10 weeks, 16 weeks and 28 weeks. I'm not due to see her again now till i'm 36 weeks and i'm feeling a little neglected.
My MW told me because I have already had a child and there were no probelms with that pregnancy, im not going to see her as much throughout this one. But I said to her 'Surely if every pregnancy is different, then I should see you the same amount as before' ...but shes assured me that its the 'norm' :roll:

With Zack I was seeing her every 2 weeks then every week.

This time round its every 4 weeks now every 2.
Ive only seen her about 5 times :(

I think some MWs are just plain lazy! :x
My MW is really lovely and helpful, but you have to book well in advance to see her. At least 4-5 weeks ahead. I saw her at 8 weeks, 19 and 25. I'm seeing her again when I'm 29 weeks.
I see mine every 2 weeks,went to see her last week and now she doesn't want to see me till i am 41 weeks if i am still pregnant :shock: ,think it's a bit bad really especially so near the end xx
I saw midwife at 8 weeks, 16, 21, 28, 31 and next one is at 34. Then its two weekly up to the birth.

This is my first pregnancy and like Violet says, if its your second and all was ok the first time they dont see you as much. Silly really cos you never know what might happen in each different pregnancy!
I got a pregnancy plan thing in my medical notes. These are the times i have to go see my midwife:

11-12 weeks (booking & intitial blood tests)
15-18 weeks (downs syndrome/spina bifida blood tests)
24 weeks (general assessment & MATB1 form given)
28 weeks (general assessment)
32 weeks (general assessment for first time only mothers)
34 weeks (general assessment, blood tests & birth plan)
36 weeks (general assessment for first time only mothers)
38 weeks (general assessment, home visit if having a home birth)
40 weeks (general assessment)
41 weeks (general assessment and induction discussion)

Hope this helps you. :D
I thought it was just me who was feeling neglected!! I have only seen the midwife three times in the last 10 weeks and this is the time when I have been feeling most vulnerable. I have expressed my concerns, but she says it's because everything is 'text-book' with my pregnancy and there's no need to overdo the appointments. Guess I should be glad that she considers everything to be 'normal' but I prefer to be re-assured!!
little*red said:
I got a pregnancy plan thing in my medical notes. These are the times i have to go see my midwife:

11-12 weeks (booking & intitial blood tests)
15-18 weeks (downs syndrome/spina bifida blood tests)
24 weeks (general assessment & MATB1 form given)
28 weeks (general assessment)
32 weeks (general assessment for first time only mothers)
34 weeks (general assessment, blood tests & birth plan)
36 weeks (general assessment for first time only mothers)
38 weeks (general assessment, home visit if having a home birth)
40 weeks (general assessment)
41 weeks (general assessment and induction discussion)

Hope this helps you. :D

:shakehead: Im going to copy and paste that change the font to bold and the writting size to 100! and shove it in my MWs face! mwwahahahaha(evil laugh) lol
I haven't got a clue with a second yet, but I'm high risk and only seen MW once so far at 9 weeks and not again till next week (15 weeks). Dunno how often I'll see her nearer third tri. Last time I saw her every 2 or 3 weeks I think.
I just think its a bit bad that had had to go 12 weeks in between appointments last time and now 8 weeks. Surely this is the time i need to see her the most. She said it was the govenment guidelines cos its my 3rd baby but i still feel neglected.
It is quit a long time to go without seeing her, especially as they are supposed to monitor your BP and urine for signs of pre-eclampsia?!
It seems that MWs leave a lot of stuff for the end of pregnancy. Mine keeps saying it's too early to discuss the birth. What if baby was born early?I know it might not happen much but it is possible to go into early labour. When do they actually discuss the birth plan with you?

Also I don't know about this if you have given birth normally once thing. My mum was only 21 when she had me. There were no problems at all with me, but then in her second pregnancy with my sister she lost the other baby early on and had a lot of problems.
Icecream said:
When do they actually discuss the birth plan with you?

actually thinking about it now, my midwife doesnt go over my birth plan until 34 weeks, guess im screwed if the baby is premature!
I just did my birth plan the oter day and i'll be taking it to my appointment next week to ask her to go over it with me.
They said they would do the birth plan with me after 35 weeks, before then you don't get too many options as you have to go with what they tell you to do if it's preemie. Obviously, have your own notes as to what things you would definately want (like OH to cut the cord, etc) and things you definately do not want (like types of pain releif, etc). Everything else is kind of decided for you, and having baby put straight onto you isn't likely either, which is one thing I really wanted.

There is no harm writing one yourself anyway for when you go into labour, and make sure your birthing partner know it aswell.
Are you talking about if baby is premature Sami? I'm confused once again :oops: :lol:

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