How much weight have you gained?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
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i got weighed last week at the drs and ive put on 2lb... i hear its pretty uncommon to gain less than a stone :oops:
Blimey, 2lb in total??? :shock:

I've put on exactly 2 stone today. I'm hoping not to put anymore on as I wasn't exactly a lightweight to begin with :lol: .
You can have one of my stones that I've still to lose if you like :lol:

One of my friends was horribly sick in her first 12 weeks and still hasn't put back on what she lost.
I've put on 2st 3lb - which i'm rather pleased with :) It seems an ok amount to me!
2lb? Surely your baby weighs more than that?!

I have put on 2 stone and 1 ounce. Happy with that, although expecting a bit more over the next 4 weeks.
they think my baby will weigh around 7lb 10oz... i havent had much sickness and ive eaten like a pig so i dont know what ive been doing!
I weighed myself last night and ive put on 1 stone 10lb!
and ive 3 weeks to go!!!
quite pleased with that!!!!

ive heard people can put 4 stone on!
1 stone so far, I'm hoping that it won't be much more.

Alex xxx
OMG!!!! Only 2lb you lucky'll be much lighter when you've had the baby than you were before you got pregnant. I don't think I'll be able to say that with my 2 stone (just over actually) :( I suppose it could be worse. :D
I've put on 2 stone. I'm happy with that.. it's all bump and boobs :D
5lbs! I was expecting a weight gain of 4 stone!! MW isn't too concerned so neither am I.
About 2 - 2.5 stone so far. Was about 9 - 9.5 stone before, now about 11 stone 7lbs
2 stone for me too but it's all bump and boobs so hoping it'll go quickly afterwards... however I lost 2 stone in 8 weeks 3 years ago doing WW so i'm not overly concerned if it doesn't... I'll jst be back on the diet (and after 9 months of eating what the hell i like I can't say I'll be depriving myself)

tezzy said:
they think my baby will weigh around 7lb 10oz... i havent had much sickness and ive eaten like a pig so i dont know what ive been doing!

This is hiow i was Tezzy, i put 5 lb on in total. im now 1stone 1lb lighter than before i was pregnant!!

with my son i lost 24lb while i was pregnant but i was very sick etc so by the time he came out weighing 6lb 8oz i was quite a bit lighter loL!!!!
When I first found out I was pregnant, 10weeks 5days, I was already 1 stone heavier, then on 19th April before I went on Holiday I had put on ANOTHER stone!! :shock:

I think I;ve put on a few more poounds since then, but I think most of it is on my belly and boobs, so hopefully haven't got too much hard work to do after.

I had already put on 2 stone over the year before getting pregnant so don't really want much more blobber! x
12lbs so far

My auntie put on around 10lbs in total and the doctors were so worried about her lack of weight gain they induced her early (god knows why - this was 16 years ago tho) but my cousin was fine, he weighed 7.5lbs x
2 stone 9lbs so far :oops: I lost nearly 2 stone before getting pregnant though so to be honest I'm just about the same as I was this time last year blubber wise. I reckon I will put at least another stone on though :roll:
you ladies are lucky :oops:

11st 6lb (booking) @ 12 weeks

14st 9lb @ 36 weeks :oops:
Last time i was weighed i had only put on 1st and a 3/4 which i am pleased about as its at the lower end of the normal scale but i need to be weighed again to make sure i haven't had a huge weight gain since then :oops: :oops: :oops: I'm trying desperatley to keep it under a pound a week in these final weeks now!


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