How much milk?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2006
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Kaidens almost 10 months now and hes been eating real well 3 meals per day plus snacks in between, hes also taking about 40oz of milk per day as well, my sister thinks i should cut back on the milk now as she thinks its too much her daughter is 1 yr and takes about 10oz a day and hardly eats, i dont have any imput from the HV anymore and im not sure what he should be having, hes a big baby and i think he still needs it, what do you guys think XkelX
Aimee only has about 10oz of milk a day and she has done for about 3 months but she has never drank much milk. It does sound like quite a lot of milk but if hes getting enough food and still wants the milk what can you do! Does he drink much water?
yeah he takes alot of water, even more so when hes lookin for milk my oh said the other day he had about 15oz of water as he was tryin to hold back the milk, i dont even know when your supposed to start the cows milk thing?? XkelX
I bet you go through some nappies! Lol. Its 12 months you are ment to start giving cows milk.
You aint joking LOL, hes done 4 poos alone yesterday, supposed what goes in must come out XkelX
4 poos!!! poor you hehe.

does sound like a lot of milk but i am unsure of wether you should cut him back.

can u not just give him a bottle with his feeds and bed time say about 3 bottles???

well we have cut him back he was taking about 6 or 7 bottles when he was 7 months and weve gradually cut them back he wakes during the night and has the one we leave in the cot himself then falls asleep he has another about 7 or 8am then another at 12 when he has his nap then another at 7om going to sleep and the one during the night about 4am. The other night he was real insettled and he took 3 bottles :shock: and that was because he was too tired to eat his full dinner and pudding at 6pm. He eats fruit and stuff in between he aint a fat baby but is very heavy, im thinking of taking him to get weighed at the HV soon just to keep a check on it XkelX

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