how much milk does your 9month old drink?


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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For any other bottle fed babies how many oz does your LO drink a day? Ky has really cut down by himself. to be honest hes not really that fussed on milk any more. i aim to give him a 7oz bottle when he first wakes. One around 3pm and one before bed. he usually only drinks about 5oz and sometimes he'll only drink about 2oz of the middle bottle. Id say in a day he has on average 15oz max, he'll always have a yoghurt at some stage and 4oz in his cereal in the morning. would just like to compare.

Ive only just got him to drink juice this week. yesterday was the first day he drank 3 thirds of his beaker. doesnt sound much but hes never drunk that much before and we're nearly half way today :cheer:
I know ryans not 9 months but thought id reply anyway!!
Thats good that hes cutting it down by himself, Ryan doesnt like juice either, so hopefuly he will start to enjoy it soon to as i prefer to give him that with meals instead of milk. Ryans having 7oz bottles every 3-4 hours still but he sleeps around 11 hours at night with no feeds
Antonio is not 9 months but he is currently having 9oz bottles 3 times a day and juice inbetween. I think you just follow your LO's lead. A month ago Antonio was still having 5 bottles a day and now all of a sudden were on 3 a day, i try and go with the flow.

Evie has only just turned 8 months and she has pretty much decided she doesn't want milk anymore. She'll spit the bottle out :roll:

She has between 6 & 7oz in the morning and then 9oz at night. She has 3 meals a day and lots of finger food. I always make sure she has plenty of cheese, yoghurt and other dairy produce...she has 3 to 4 oz of milk with her breakfast.

I was really worried she wasn't getting the recommended 1 pint per day but my HV said that if she was happy to eat food more than milk then to just follow her lead. She is a food baby apparently :lol: She is healthy and putting on weight normally...she's climbed centiles since birth and now follows the 55th line...

I'm much more relaxed about her milk now...

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