how much longer!!

Have you recently come off pill or implant? This could affect how long your cycles are :think:
came off the pill in march... would that still be affecting the length of my cycles? they started really long but now they're pretty much between 31 and 33 days. usually 31 or 32. this is day 37!
Hmmm I imagine they will be fairly regulated now then. If you havent got AF or BFP in next few days then pop along to GP and ask for blood test hun :hug:
well now I have a sore throat - maybe I'm catching something and that's why I've been feeling sick! :doh:
Sorry it's taking so long to get an answer and good luck xx
OMG! this is killing me! still no AF and still BFNs when I test! now on day 39 of my cycle and was due af on day 32.

:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I'm testing every 3 days so I don't go totally mad but still not even the faintest line!
Hi roseanimal, I would be at the docs like a shot, you are quite a few days over and your doc may do a blood test, then at least you will know without a doubt. I'm sure they will understand, seen as how you are ttc. Good luck and keep us posted :hug:
already? although it feels like forever I didn't think 5-7 days over (depending how long my cycle is) is that much. I've decided if nothing happens by next friday (if i can hold off that long) I will call on friday and make an appointment as I will be way overdue af by then.

I'm working monday to thursday anyway - think i should get an appoinment on friday? I just know as soon as I call the docs she'll turn up!!
well still nothing!

made a doctors appointment for friday morning as it's really getting to me now! i bet a fiver af comes tonight!!
Aww :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Maybe you have OVed later for one reason or another :think: Have you been stressed? apart from AF being late?

Hope you get an answer soon....Hopefully your BFP :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug:
yeah i have but over a week now going by my longest cycle since May.

I know I'm probably not but I just wish something would happen.
Good idea making a doctors appointment. FF says that if af hasn't come and you are getting -ve hpt's:

You may have ov'd later than thought,
Could be a false hpt reading
Other medical problems to see your doc about (Unlikely)

So you have done the right thing

Keep us informed and try not to stress too much inbetween, there is nothing else you can do. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Stress can commonly delays AF according to the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler.
there have been a few things that probably stressed me out but I don't feel that stressed.

I was in a couple car crashes (one crash and one near miss when i wasn't driving) and my gran had a op for precancerous cells but I only found out just before and it wasn't a big deal and I had a breast lump which i was told straight away was almost definitely nothing and had tests and it was indeed nothing.
Gosh that sounds really stressful. You have done so well to not feel too stressed. Sometimes your body can still be stressed even when you don't feel it. Stress is not always a negative feeling, it can be when you are busy and your body has to cope with it.

I am so glad you are ok after the car crashes and lump. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks. i have to say work stresses me out more than all that stuff though :lol:
i guess I'll find out soon. the thing is i don't think I'm pregnant cause of the bfns and I know about stress affecting periods but I'm a bit worried about the lightheadedness and nausea I've got from time to time
(although only very briefly!)

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