how much help

Do they help with night feeds?
Yes, even if he has work that day

would you make them help with night feeds if they drove for a living?
Thankfully I don't have to make my husband do anything, he is wonderful with helping out. I wouldn't make him do the night feeds, though I would expect some sort help.

how much do you do in the day, washing, house work, cooking etc?
I usually have enough time to make the house nice and tidy

what does your OH do when he gets home?
He relaxes and plays with Ava

do you get time out for you?
My husband usually gets up with Ava in the morning so I can sleep in a little. But yeah, I do get time to myself.

by the time your OH gets home from work, have you done everything, i.e house work washing etc, or does it still need to be done, does OH help?
does Oh help out with your other children (if you have any)
I'm weird and love to clean so I do as much as I can, but if something isn't done, my husband does help out. He'll wash bottles or help me wash them.
Do they help with night feeds - no as i breast feed

would you make them help with night feeds if they drove for a living?
NO as my husband does drive most of the day and it is too dangerous to drive if tired plus i can try and catch sleep during the day
how much do you do in the day, washing, house work, cooking etc?
As much or as littel as i can - washing, cleaning kitchen, hoovering.
what does your OH do when he gets home? sometimes will start the tea, sometimes will sit and watch tv with little one. whikst i do tea, we tend to share.
do you get time out for you? sometimes but not as much as i'd like - but that comes with having a baby!
by the time your OH gets home from work, have you done everything, i.e house work washing etc, or does it still need to be done, does OH help?
does Oh help out with your other children (if you have any)

No - sometimes i just can't get every thing done as ewan has been grumpy etc. hubby does help a fair bit to be honest. sometimes i can get things done in an evening whilst Tom had Ewan for half an hour.
I like to do most stuff with Dom myself as I know it will get done the right way, my other half means well but you know what blokes are like, they don't have the common sense vision we have and forget the odd thing.

I am just a control freak really ;) but I will let him control the kitchen :)
im starting to think its best that i do everything with Coby, Jase did all the feeds last night (he does them on fridays and saturdays) but coz he did it all wrong and changed Cobys normaly routine, he was very unsettled and jase couldnt settle him, so i had to get up anywqay to get Coby back off to sleep.

so maybe it is best that i just get on and do it, at least i know i can comfort and settle Coby is he needs it
layla said:
im starting to think its best that i do everything with Coby, Jase did all the feeds last night (he does them on fridays and saturdays) but coz he did it all wrong and changed Cobys normaly routine, he was very unsettled and jase couldnt settle him, so i had to get up anywqay to get Coby back off to sleep.

so maybe it is best that i just get on and do it, at least i know i can comfort and settle Coby is he needs it

Sounds like he needs more practice to me! Just because he's not as good at it as you does not mean you should give up... you need to rest too hun, Jase will just have to find the right way to do it!
do they help with night feeds? No, Aaron doesn't wake in the night anymore but when he did sometimes Chris would do it.
would you make them help with night feeds if they drove for a living? My fiance doesn't drive for a living but he's a welder and works with dangerous equipment all day. When he was working the next day I never made him do a night feed.
how much do you do in the day, washing, house work, cooking etc? All of it!
what does your OH do when he gets home? He relaxs but spends time playing with Aaron. I don't expect him to do much because he does 12 hour days.
do you get time out for you? Sometimes but I like to do things for Aaron because I know his routine so well.
by the time your OH gets home from work, have you done everything, i.e house work washing etc, or does it still need to be done, does OH help? He'll help with cooking if I ask but the rest is done.
does Oh help out with your other children (if you have any) N/A
HI guys,

I have been away sat afternoon till sun night to Jase's family, it was a "meet the new baby" weekend so its been very draining.

anyways, while we was there, jase did the saturday night feed as normal, and again, coby wouldnt settle for him so i had to get up and do it.

the next day, Jase said sorry to me, i asked what for , he said, for being a shit dad!
i couldnt belive it, right there i felt so bad and relised how hard i have been on him, this is my third baby, so i know what im doing, this is his first and i forgot that.

i cant belive what a moaning bitch i have been, Jase is trying his best and for him to feel like hes a shit dad is just terrible and its prob coz of me and the way i have been treating him!

so since then i have been prasing him at every thing he does and instead of telling him hes doing things wrong, i try to offer advice in a way where he doesnt feel crap.

things have been alot more relaxed between us since then too, which is good.

also i have relised how protective i am over Coby, his family where passing him around between themselfs and i was on pins! i hated watching him go from persaon to person, i was terrifed someone would drop him, or he would get upset coz i wasnt with him.

but guess what, he was fine! this weekend has been a real eye opener for me, i really need to relax and chill out more.

Awww hun!

I can't believe us lot didn't click either... being a first time dad must be sooooo hard, especially if your wife is an expert!

At least now you've sorted it all out and you can move on and help Jase get better :)
I woulsnt say i was an expert, alot has changed since i had Ethan so im learning new things too.

Its just i know what routine i like and want, what worked and didnt work with charlie and ethan, so i am confident in what i try and dont try.

when i had them, it was fun learning how to do everything together (with my ex husband) so i guess i forgot that jase has to learn.

i do feel really bad tho and i will defo make it up to him tomorrow, V day :D
Hey hun

Im glad everythings okay now and i also knwo why you would feel the way you did though its a full time job and you feel helpless somtimes.
Im sure he will do fine he just needs more time to adjust wish you all the best hun.
Take care and hope you rvalentines day goes well.

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