how much does ur LO weight and eat..


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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My lil one is 7 months old and weighs just over 20lbs :s she does not look obese but is a long baby as partner is over 6 foot. My health visitor said in view of her weight to only give her a couple of spoons of puree for her two meals a day....whats ur experience. Thanks xx

At 7 months my LO would still only eat stage 1 (smooth) still does mostly, but he was having a whole jar or pouch of veg/meat and then 1/2 pouch of fruit or a yoghurt, he would have that lunch and dinnger and for breakfast he would have breakfast yoghurt, a whole pouch. Plus he was having 3 booby feeds a day, and latching on in the night too - we cosleep.

He still only wants smooth now he's 10 months, but I have to blend up stage 2 and 3 jars because the HV said stage 1 doesn't have enough nutrients (even though the ingredients are the same :wall2:)
ooo how much does ur LO weigh roughly? bcuz my LO was having half a jar to a jar off stage one x2 a day and having two breast feeds and three forumlae feeds. she wuld eat more but health visitor advises a couple of spoons :s :s im so confused by the whole weaning process.taxx
I haven't had him weighed since end of september but he was about 24/25lbs i think, his red book is downstairs atm. He must be a good couple of stone by now. He's not got any fat on him at all, he's very tall, taller than babies 2 months older than him by far.

I just go by the size of the jar to age. So stage 2 size I just offer him it all, if he wants it he'll eat it. Sometimes he eats all offered, other times he leaves 1/2. I know when he's had enough because his attention goes elsewhere, even if he has what is offered kind of thing. He always eats all fruit or yoghurt though lol

I also give him snacks. He has either rice cakes or sometimes digestive biscuit, only 1/2 though. And reecently we've been sharing a banana.

He's had a bad time weaning really. He LOVES tghe smooth stuff, but anything mashed or with lumps he won't touch. And if he gags he brings up whatever is in his stomach!! So I have to keep blending stage 2 and 3 stuff. He's getting better with finger foods, but he's very fussy. He won't even eat potato faces or vegetable fingers. I'm sure he'll get there lol

I'd keep offering her a spoonful until she's had enough. I'm sure you'll be able to tell. If she gobbles it all up she's wanting the food! If she's overweight maybe there's a problem, but otherwise I'd jsut follow LOs lead. I'm fed up of all the HVs lol. They are so set to their 'guidelines' they forget that babies are individuals too, and really know what they want already.
I'm not sure I'd listen to your HV too much tbh! Weaning is supposed to be progressive, so it's all about teaching and encouraging your baby to eat solid food, not telling them they can't have any more!
I lie to my HV all the time, I know Lou is happy and healthy so they can stuff it :)
Dylan is 7 month...hasn't been weighed in a while but roughtky 18lb by home scales.

He has 3 8oz bottles a pouch yoghurt or fruitpot fruit and for dinner he has what we have and blw so not 100% sure how much.

Tbh that sounds far too little so i would maybe get advice from another hv and see what they say x

How much milk is she getting?

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Also what percentile is she on for her weight

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Just looked...its just over 75th percentile...that's nothing bad at all

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Personally I wouldnt listen to your HV. When babies start getting active and older they thin out and their weight slows down dramatically.

My LO is only small at around 18lb at 15 months but she honestly eats me out of house and home. I never limit what she eats because I honestly believe that babies will eat until they are full and no more.
if i would of limited amelias food she would of starved as she was never a big milk drinker just go with the flow and take the lead from your baby x
I'm not sure I'd listen to your HV too much tbh! Weaning is supposed to be progressive, so it's all about teaching and encouraging your baby to eat solid food, not telling them they can't have any more!
I lie to my HV all the time, I know Lou is happy and healthy so they can stuff it :)

Love it! i also lie to the hv because she's a cow & moans about everything! x
screw the hv, if a bbay is hungry, feed it lol. lanna is reaaaaaly tall, but skinny as anything. so just by weight percentile shes high up there, but lookin at her, shes fine lol

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