How much does labour hurt? If at all


Oct 22, 2008
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Hi :)
I've looked through this forum but can't find a topic on it. I've read books etc but was wondering from some1 who has been through it. My mum had no pain at all and my nan and sister in law said it just hurt a bit. On tv it always looks like they're in agony. Is my nan and sister tryin to make me feel better or is it nothing major? Just wanna know the truth to prepare myself. Also if it does hurt, then what hurts? Ya tum, ya wotsit, ya back or all 3? :D Thanks :)
Sorry to say this but It hurts like hell!!!

EVERYWHERE ! ! ! ! !
Have to agree its pain like you have never felt before but worth every hour when your holding your baby
:lol: :lol: Oh yeah it hurts

The contractions can hurt you in your back and bump and then pushing out baby hurts/stings.
The head crowning is like pushing out a melon sized ball of jagged glass (for me anyway) has also been known as the ring of fire :lol:

But so so worth it :D
LOL! What was your mum on? Wish I could have had some!

It hurts........LOTS!

But as Mary says, soon forgotten :wink:
I think the pain is different for everyone but mine was all in my back. OH made things easier my massaging my back all the way through, think his arms were ready to fall off my the end of it. I won't lie labour was painful but I managed on just gas and air and the mindset that the less pain relief I used the quicker I would be home. I am also the biggest wimp going as I am having a general anesthetic next week for a filling in my tooth. However much it hurts it is all forgotton once you have your baby in your arms and you would do it all over again just for that special moment.
I wouldnt say it was so bad, my pain was also mostly in my back the only painful bits were crowning and getting stitched ouchy.

Heres hoping il get an easy run this time
:shock: wow, no pain at all?? What pain relief did she have?

Yeah it really hurts!
In truth, it will probably be the worst pain you ever experience - and once you are holding your baby it will all seem insignificant and you will forget all the worst bits :hug:

I'm a very quiet person and I screamed my head off - but I had a water birth with g&a so I can't comment on what it's like with other forms of pain relief.
um, its most certainly the most amount of pain i've ever been in, and i hope i never go through anything else like it again (unless there's going to be a baby at the end of it :wink: ) - although i had an epidural after about 10 hours, and then it didn't hurt at all.

its completely worthwhile though :) :)
I found it was like period pains x 1000000! lol. \the contractions are much worse than pushing though and you forget it all as soon as baby comes out.
Well i recently had kidney stones, OMG i was in agony the middle part of my body really hurt...apparently the pain is similar to at least i know how they will

My best friend recently had a baby and she has a similar size body to me, she is very honest and has told me that it really really hurts. :lol: but...its all worth while.

If your mum and nan are just saying it to make you feel better they really arnt doing you any favors, yes it bloody hurts unless you are very lucky, but even if it doesnt just say it does then you get to have a go on the gas and air :D
It is painful but I didn't think it was as bad as a I thought it would be.
I concentrated on the fact that each contraction was bringing my baby nearer to me, and survived on gas and air. If it gets too much though there are plenty of pain relief options available.

I had really bad infection in the my wisdom teeth once and it lasted for days (I was on hols and no access to a dentist) and that was worse - at least with labour you get a lovely baby at the end of it!
hennaly said:
If your mum and nan are just saying it to make you feel better they really arnt doing you any favors, yes it bloody hurts unless you are very lucky, but even if it doesnt just say it does then you get to have a go on the gas and air :D

Yeah i was gonna say that..if they say it didnt hurt as not to scare you then when you go into labour you will be unprepared and more scared. I think you should know that YES it does hurt...the worst pain you will probably ever have..a baby is coming out of you..but it IS 100% worth it and as soon as you hold your baby the pain will go away and you will be blessed with a beautiful baby. There are lots of pain relief options available and if it were that bad no women would have more than 1 but still prepare mentally that it is a painful experience, but i found it amazing and would do it again in a heartbeat :)
Its agony, I've never felt anything like it in all my life! But it is so worth it and I found I coped with the pain better than I thought I would (with a little help from G&A!!). I don't know about pushing out the baby though as I had an emergency c section.
OMG :lol: I'm scared!!!
My mum had no pain relief. 3 times she done it and it didn't hurt. She has very quick births. Can't remember what they call it. It has a name. Its over within 5 minutes.

I've broken my arm b4 and that hurt a lot. Can any1 compare these two. I get bad migraines too. I'm tryin to think of something I've experienced that may be worse. Guess I'll have to brace myself 8)

Thanks for ya honesty :eek:
Ah mate it hurts like hell!

But everyone is different I was so scared before I went into labour asking everyone I knew who had had a kid what was it like and everyone said different some said " I was only in labour for 2 hours and it just popped out :evil: " others I have heard worse stories but will not go into detail.

Some say its like period pain but more painful - my mum said its like period pain but alot more sharper and she was spot on for me anyway.

Its more of the unknown curiorsity hey - you will be fine its going to happen regardless and you just get through it and you cope and then 1-2-3 years down the line you do it again (well so I hear I am still on my first) its a pain that no one can describe but everyone can relate to once they have had a child. It will hurt but just get in the most confortable position for you whether its standing, sitting or laying down and groan/scream/bite/swear as much as you want to.

:hug: :hug:

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