how much blood is normal?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2011
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They reckon my mmc could range anywhere from 4w to 7w but can't really tell. Anyway, I had cramps on fri and very light pink blood when I wiped and hardly any since. I haven't needed a pad but have worn 1 just incase. I thought it would have been much more blood and not just light spotting when I wipe?xxxx
Hi Hun just replied to your other thread, mine has been bloody and clots for 7 days until yesterday when I went into hosp for managed miscarriage and it had lightened but started again and then after pesseries it was back to lots of blood cramps and clots so you may have already passed everything but I think you would of passed more blood and clots if what I have experienced is anything to go by, but having said that it depends how far gone your preg was??? I was 8 1/2 weeks by size but 10/11 weeks preg xx
If it was a blighted ovum I shouldn't pass that much should I? See, I had a scan 5w 6d and could only see sac but correct size of sac. Then my last scan at 7w 6d could stil only see an empty sac, measuring correct size, but I stil expected some blood during a MC. Its so horrible having to wait around for it to happen xxxx
Yea I would guess you would see blood, my understanding is if your body thinks your preg, which urs did then it is still providing blood to the pregnancy so blood should be part of the mc, but you may have already passed everything, maybe keep an eye on it until thurs then u will know or def, the waiting and not knowing either way is horrible but u know ur not alone I'm here for u too xx
My bean stopped growing at 5 and s half weeks and not visible within the sac, but after 4 days of light bleeding I got cramps and passed biggish clots (I could feel them like plop out, tmi) throughout the whole night but only while on the loo. Then the next day it was very bloody and small clots but only when I wiped, not much on the pad. xx
Sorry for your loss xx I get confused between mc and mmc but had empty sac found out at 12 weeks. Waited 4 days then started to bleed heavily (pad change every 2-4hrs) when passed sac it was bigger than I thought. In total I had 4 days of heavy bleeding with clots and spotting/heavy dark discharge after for further 7 days. The night before passing sac I was in agony and woke up in the middle of the night. I was surprised at the size it measured at 17mm on scan which is early days and tiny but was much bigger than that when I passed it. Its just a shame my body continued to think it was pg for ages :( anyway yeah you loose a fair bit but it took me up passed 12wks to happen. Had I known earlier would have had D&C.

Take pain killers on time it really helps. Xxx
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Thanks girls, I know its not s nice or easy thing to discuss but I just want to b prepared xxxx
Sunbeam that's awful, I hope it doesn't come to that for me after going with managed mc, mine was a mmc. Just wish they could do d&c with me awake if what it comes to! X
Sunbeam, mc is just miscarriage and happens on its own and mmc is missed miscarriage, which is found from having scans. When the body hasn't realised the baby has stopped growing or no baby has formed like urs.:hugs: Hope this helps. Xx
Thanks Kanga :) I have had a mmc I was getting so confused!

I took paracetamol to begin with but once it was confirmed mmc the mw recommended pain killers and it really helped to the point I set my alarm through the night to take them. I won't lie it was the worst period pain and have a high pain threshold but on the positive that pain didn't last too long it was just when the sac was collapsing and like Kanga mentioned it 'plops' out. When I had my last scan everything had passed and returned to normal so although it's a sad experience it is a relief when it's over. I hope your on and please keep us posted on how it goes xxx
Sunbeam you're right, it's really such a sad experience. I hate my body for fooling me into thinking I was pregnant this whole time. Hopefully my experience isn't as awful as yours was, I really do feel for you hun xx but the way I'm trying my best to look at it is like this, my little baby just wasn't strong enough to hang on for unknown reasons no matter how much they were wanted. My pregnancy came as a total shock but I know that when the time is right for me, my body and of course my baby, I will have a perfect pregnancy with a gorgeous little 1 at the end of it. After being through such a horrible time as a mc or mmc is, itl make my next pregnancy feel even more special and I hopefully will enjoy every stage of it without any problems and i hope the same can be said for us all! xxxx
Well said Hun, I see the positive in everything and our mc or mmc tell us that we can conceive for one thing, also it's a small practice for our bodies ready for when we are able to have a full pregnancy xx
So true twinkles! Do you have any children yet or wil you be trying for your 1st? Xxxx
This will be our first, got married in April so this would of topped our year, wedding and baby in under 12 months! But not to be so once this horrible episode is over we will try again! Xx
Oh congratulations :D when the time is right it will happen for you. I'm amazed how great I feel today, stomach feels fine, dizziness away, spotting away and had an amazing sleep last night. Boobs r actually quite sore today which isn't good as it likely means that the sac is still in there stil fooling my body lol xxxx
Aw u sure ur not my double??!! I feel fine today, almost super human and as hubby is out working all day I have decided I'm going to get the bin bags out and have a clear out! My boobs were sore until about 2/3 days ago so it may easy, may be hormones still, have u any children? Xx
I feel the need for a good clear out too!
Will use time of work to do so!! xxx

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