how many?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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How many bottles does your LO have a day?

S is 7 months soon so was just wondering how many your LOs have. She only has 3 a day but doesn't tend to drink them all. HV says not to worry as she is on 3 meals a day and drinking other fluids but i was just curious.
Ella is 4 months and has five 6oz bottles a day, I'd say two of those she probably only takes 4oz out of though x
Ash is 4 months and takes 5 8oz bottles a day thought the bedtime one is usually 9 xx
Alice is nearly 5 months and is on 4 or 5 bottles a day
N is 6 months on 1st April and takes anything from 5-7 oz 5 times a day x

Apologies for any typos!
Jack is 9 months today and has 3 bottles of 5oz a day but only drinks 3-4oz at a time. He also has 3 meals and snacks throughout the day to keep him full x
Angel is nearly 4.5 months and she's on 4 8oz bottles a day. She sleeps through most nights but sometimes she'll wake up in the night and have another x
rhea is nearly 5 mths and has 4 6oz bottles doesn't always finish them and is on small amounts of solids xxx

Cesca's 7 months and has 3 8oz bottles 2 4oz bottles and 2 meals a day... She is a greedy git lol (She has the 4oz bottles with her meals) xx
Thanks for replying girls :) its reassuring to hear some babies take simular to what s does :) she's just loves her food too much now!
Jake has 4 6oz bottles now that he is weaning xx
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Stanley has 5 x 8oz of hungry milk a day lol x
My LO is 6 weeks and has 4 5oz bottles and 1 6oz bottle. The 6oz at 8pm bedtime. He usually takes 4.5/5 during the day x

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Mummy to Joshua 23-01-10 &
Dylan 03-02-2012 <3 xx

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