how many poos a day does your LO do??


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
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just curious really, and how much milk they drink too!!

my Lo poos what seems like way too many times per day and night and thinking his milk might not agree with him so wanted to see what others were like first

so far today we have had 6 poos and thats from 6.30 til 2.30 i know he is going to do to do more as he always does and in the night i can expect at least 2 this goes on every day!! i knew it was at least 6 but as i have been counting today i know its obviouly more

so alonng with the poos which are really smelly i have a very hungry baby too so just need to know whatt others are like as my other 2 kids used to do maybe 1-2 poos per day not this many
with harry it really depends sometimes he can do one every nappy change or it can be 2-3 days before he does one, but harry is bf so i dont actually know how much milk he gets.

my hv said some babies can do one after every feed which is perfectly normal or go up to a week without doing one which is also normal if ur really worried speak to your health visitor or ur gp xxx
I reckon 4-5 a day and ralph is bf and formula xx
One a day for Ella and she is formula fed! She poos between 7 and 8am everyday without fail!
my lo was on aptimal ewhen born and used to do sometimes up to 8 a day she is now on sma stay down and does 1-3 a day x
As others have said, it is perfectly normal for some babies to go after every feed while others wont go for a few days at a time. If you are still worried though I would speak to your HV just to out your mind at ease.
Tilly goes about 4 times a day at the minute, which is ironic seeing as she is very constipated. I think it just amounts to one normal sized poo but comes out in little malteaser shapes throughout the day. Lol
Too many poos lol and normally straight after I've change his nappy :roll:
Once every two days, she is formula fed x
Normally one a day, occasionally two, she is SMA ff.
1 a day, first thing in the morning after her breakfast feed so about 7.30/8am and we combine breast milk and bottles of aptimil. she has no more than 20 oz of aptimil usually and breastfeeds the rest of the milk she needs
What milk is he on hunny?

cow and gate, i have never used it with my others as i used farleys/nurture as the name changed but it was disontinued in the uk and that suited them both fine hunger wise too!!

but he is always hungry, and poos stupid amounts its driving me insane so not sure it suits him xxx
We are currently having about 6-8 dirty nappies a day and most of them at night, I often have to change him 5 or 6 times during the night- normally right after a nappy change!! He is bf so can't tell you how much he gets xx
Bloody hell!! We are right in the middle of the bedtime bottle and E has decided to do her one crap of the day!! Typical!!
Jake is on cow&gate and always used to poo loads too and always did until he got to about 3 months, I was told it was normal, he used to have 4oz every 3 hours when he was the same age as your LO xx
Max used to poo about 5-6 times a day. Now its once!

He was having 5-6 oz every 2 hours at that age (he eats less now) sometimes even every hour he was such a hungry newborn I was always worrying he was having too much!

My 1st son would easily have that many poos as a newborn but it soon slowed down. Lewis does 0-3 poos a day but sometimes he'll surprise me and be extra frequent.

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